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  • JR大阪駅東側の阪急電鉄梅田駅から千里線に乗車して北千里駅で下車,徒歩約20分。English Take a local train on Senri line from Hankyu Umeda terminal, which is in the east of JR Osaka station, and get off at Kita-senri. Walk eastbound for about 20 minutes through Senri-mon gate shown in the map below.
  • 新大阪駅(東海道新幹線)から大阪市営地下鉄御堂筋線に乗車して千里中央駅(北大阪急行)で下車。164または171系統阪大医学部病院前方面行きの阪急バスに乗り換えて(6番のりば)阪大本部前で下車,徒歩約10分(103・105系統は迂回路線)。English Take an underground on Midosuji line from Shin-osaka station and get off at Senri-chuo. Walk upstairs and take a Hankyu bus from terminal 6 to reach Handai-honbu-mae, which is approximately a half mile away from the lab. The appropriate bus route numbers are 164 and 171, and alternatives are 103 and 105 that detour and make additional stops.
  • 大阪(伊丹)空港から大阪モノレールに乗車して(万博記念公園で彩都線に乗り換え)阪大病院前で下車,徒歩約10分。English Take a monorail train from Osaka Itami airport and get off at Handai-byoin-mae station, making a transit to Saito line at Bampaku-kinen-koen. The lab is about 10 minutes walk away.
  • 名神高速道路吹田出口から中央環状線と万博外周道路(時計回り一方通行)を経由して阪大病院方面に向うと正門(地図右下)まで約10分。English Exit from Meishin expressway at Suita and take Chuo-kanjo-sen. Divert to Bampaku-gaishu road, which carries traffic in a clockwise direction, and drive toward Handai-byoin. It takes roughly 10 minutes to reach the main gate indicated in lower right of the map.
  • point English version of the campus map is also available here