Access to Osaka University Suita Campus (大阪大学吹田キャンパス)

- From 阪急電車千里線北千里駅 (Hankyu Railway Senri Line Kitasenri Station)
Walk east for about 15 minutes.
- From 地下鉄御堂筋線千里中央駅 (Subway Midosuji Line Senri-Chuo Station)
Take the 阪急バス (Hankyu Bus) bound for 阪大本部前行 (Handaihonbumae) or 茨木美穂ヶ丘行 (Ibarakimihogaoka), and get off at 阪大本部前 (Handaihonbumae).
- From 阪急電車京都線茨木市駅 (Hankyu Railway Kyoto Line Ibaraki-shi Station)
Take the 近鉄バス (Kintetsu Bus) bound for 阪大本部前行 (Handaihonbumae), and get off at 阪大本部前 (Handaihonbumae).
- From JR茨木駅 (JR Ibaraki Station)
Take the 近鉄バス (Kintetsu Bus) bound for 阪大本部前行 (Handaihonbumae), and get off at 阪大本部前 (Handaihonbumae).
- From 阪大病院前 (Osaka Monorail Handaibyoinmae Station)
Walk northwest for about 15 minutes.
Access to Muta Laboratory (A1棟)

Address: 〒565-0871
Yamadaoka 2-1, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Room: A1-314, Suita campus, Osaka University
TEL:06-6877-5111 (Extension: 3661)
E-Mail: emater-staff[@]