Research achievement (papers are being compiled)
Please refer to this publication page for the research achievement of our group.
ResearchGate Profiles
- Professor. Hiroaki Muta
- Associate Professor. Yuji Ohishi
- Associate Professor. Shun Fujieda (currently not available)
Noteworthy research
One of our research findings was published in Science 321, 554 (2008). It is about development of high performance thermoelectric material, conducted under collaborative research with Ohio State University and California Institute of Technology research groups. The title is "Enhancement of Thermoelectric Efficiency in PbTe by Distortion of the Electronic Density of States".
Noteworthy awards
- Associate Prof. Ohishi, 2020 Progress Award, Thermoelectric Society of Japan.
- Mr. Yasuo Shibata (M2), Alloys and Compounds for Thermoelectric and Solar Cell Applications VIII Best Poster Competition Second Place Prize, TMS2020 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held on Feb. 23-27, 2020.
- Mr. Toshiki Kondo (D3), Second prize of the best poster award in fundamental research, The 17th international conference on liquid and amorphous metals (LAM-17) held on August 26-30, 2019.
- Mr. Yifan Sun (D1), 2020 EPD Materials Characterization Best Poster Award - First Place, The TMS2019 148th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held on March 2019.
- Mr. Hibino (B4), Best Poster Category Award, The 4th Next Generation Initiative Decommissioning Technology Conference (NDEC-4) held on March 23, 2019.
- Mr. Okada (M2), Research Encouragement Award, The 4th Next Generation Initiative Decommissioning Technology Conference (NDEC-4) held on March 23, 2019.
- Assistant Prof. Ohishi, Best Presentation Award of the Thermal Hydraulics Division, the Autumn Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan held in September 2018.
- Mr. Kouta Kurokawa (M2), Student Presentation Award, the 39th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties held in November 2018.
- Ms. Afiqa Mohamad (D3), Best Research Presentation Award, the Kansai Atomic Energy Advisory Committee, Committee for Surveying Trends in Basic Research on Nuclear-related Science and Technology, held in November 2018.
- Ms. Afiqa Mohamad (D3), 3rd Poster Presentation, Numat 2018.
- Mr. Toshiki Kondo (D2), Best Presentation Award of Thermal Hydraulics Division, the Autumn Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan held in September 2018.
- Mr. Toshiki Kondo (D2) and Assistant Prof. Ohishi, Best Presentation Award, Nuclear Fuel Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
- Prof. Yamanaka, the 50th Atomic Energy Society of Japan Award for Academic Achievement (FY 2009).
- Assistant Prof. Ohishi, the 50th Atomic Energy Society of Japan Award for Young Scientists (FY 2009).
- Ms. Afiqa Mohamad (D2) and Mr. Kyosuke Nakayama (M1), the Nuclear Fuel Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan Award (Society Lecture Award).
- Ms. Shiho Watanabe (M1), the Research Encouragement Award (poster presentation), the Next Generation Initiative Decommissioning Technology Conference (NDEC3) held on March 19, 2018.
- Ms. Afiqa Mohamad (D2), the Best Oral Presentation Award, The 3rd Asian Nuclear Fuel Conference (ANFC2017) held in September 2017.
- Ms. Wadagaki (M2), the Best Poster Competition First Place Prize, the TMS2017 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held in March 2017.
- Mr. Jun Xie, D1, the Best Poster Competition Second Place Prize, the TMS2016 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition held in March, 2016.A paper reporting on the natural nanostructure and thermal conductivity of Ga2Te3: Applied Physics Letters 93, 012101 (2008). has been selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (July 21, 2008).
- A paper reporting on the natural nanostructure and thermal conductivity of Ga2Te3: Applied Physics Letters 93, 012101 (2008). has been selected for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (July 21, 2008).
- Assistant Prof. Kurosaki, the first Dean's Award, for his joint project, Project C (, between faculty and students.
- Mr. Adachi and Mr. Ito, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan Kansai Branch Student Award.
- Mr. Honjo, the Kusumoto Award.
- Dr. Kurosaki, the 39th Incentive Award of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, February 2007,
- KUROSAKI Ken and YAMANAKA Shinsuke, Osaka University 100 Papers, 24 Graphics Selection, (Ag9TlTe5: A high-performance thermoelectric bulk material with extremely low thermal conductivity, Applied Physics Letters), Annual Report of Osaka University, Academic Achievement 2005-2006.
- Our research titled 「高速炉向け炉心制御技術・制御棒の寿命6倍」 was introduced in the 日刊工業新聞 on September 6, 2006.
- Mr. Fujikane, Young Researcher Award for Excellent Poster Presentation, the International Symposium on Hybrid Nano Materials Toward Future Industries (HNM 2006) held at Nagaoka University of Technology from February 3 to 5, 2006.
- Mr. Sekimoto, Symposium F student award, 2005 MRS Fall Meeting.
- Dr. Kurosaki, the ICT BEST PAPER AWARDS, at the International Thermoelectric Conference (ICT2005) held at Clemson University in June 2005.
- Dr. Kurosaki and Dr. Muta, the TSJ2004 Presentation Encouragement Award, the annual meeting of the Japan Society of Thermoelectric Engineers held at Shonan Institute of Technology in August 2005.
- The result of Yamanaka Laboratory's research titled 「効率よく熱を電気に! 阪大が新材料」was published in the 日刊工業新聞 on August 16, 2005.