Kan-Ene Topics! 環エネTOPICS!


Nobuyoshi YABUKI

Position:  Professor
Degree:   Ph.D.
Laboratory:       Sustainable Environmental Design, Environmental Design and Information Technology
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My research interest is the application of advanced information and communication technology (ICT) to civil, building, and environmental engineering. My research goal is to create a new cyber-real environment in which the cyber infrastructure and real world are integrated by numerous small wireless sensor networks, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, dynamic applications that share interoperable data models based on ontology, and visual/audio information services. To accomplish this goal, current research themes encompass 1) virtual/augmented reality for civil, building, and environmental engineering, 2) 3D modeling from point cloud data obtained by laser scanning or photogrammetry, 3) development of3D product models for the complete lifecycles of civil infrastructures and buildings (in particular, maintenance), 4) knowledge acquisition from big data obtained via numerous wireless sensor networks and RFID tags attached to various infrastructures, and 5) creation of new methods for enhancing society and the environment by embedding various kinds of sensors and location detection systems in the real world.


  1. Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Kyoko Miyashita, Tomohiro Fukuda: An invisible height evaluation system to preserve good landscapes using augmented reality, Automation in Construction, 20 (3), 228-235 (2011)
  2. Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Takuya Onoue, Tomohiro Fukuda, Shinji Yoshida: A heatstroke prediction and prevention system for outdoor construction workers, Visualization in Engineering, 1 (11), 1-16 (2013)
  3. 有賀貴志,矢吹信喜:土木構造物を対象とした変状の情報管理のためのプロセスモデルの開発,土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学),69 (1), 10-20 (2013)
  4. 矢吹信喜,川口貴之,福田知弘:積集合演算によるBIMデータからの景観検討用3次元モデル作成手法の開発,土木学会論文集F3(土木情報学),68 (2), I_31-I_40 (2012)
  5. 矢吹信喜,蒔苗耕司,三浦憲二郎:工業情報学の基礎,理工図書 (2011)


  • 土木学会土木情報学論文賞受賞(2012,2014)
  • 日本建設機械化協会優秀論文賞(2009)
  • 電力土木技術協会高橋賞(1989)