Svetlana Sheina1, Narman Ayubov2, Liya Babenko3

1) Dr.Sc., Vice-rector of Science and Innovative Activity, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.
2) Ph.D. Candidate, Vice-rector of Socio-economic Development, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.
3) Ph.D. Candidate, Assoc. Prof., Department of City Planning and Community Development, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.

Abstract: The character of intensive economic development zones in the region depends on the level of the territory socio-economic development and strategic guidelines chosen for implementation. Such zones become a kind of "growth points" forming the mechanisms for effective distribution and use of production factors and innovations. The zone of intensive economic development (industrial parks) can be defined as a spatially isolated complex, within which favorable conditions for economic entities will be created to solve economic, innovation-technical and social problems. In this, it is necessary to take into consideration that the process of zoning becomes a decisive factor in the formation of the image of an attractive investment area, in the context of spatial location of technological and investment assets. Rostov region has a significant investment and diversification potential due to a set of competitive advantages of the region, such as a favorable geo-economic position, favorable climatic conditions, resource availability, developed transport infrastructure, the availability of high-tech industries. And in this context, the project of creating an industrial park in the agricultural sector in Matveyev Kurgan district of Rostov Region is of interest. This paper represents the results of implementation of developed methodology for the placement of intensive economic development zones (industrial parks) within the region, with regard to their industrial and functional orientation to the parameters of socio-economic and technical-spatial specialization of the placement area. This methodology is realized with the help of ArcGIS ESRI on the example of Rostov Region. Thus, the proposed method of the territory comprehensive assessment with the use of GIS-technologies allows solving the problem of spatial distribution of assets taking into account the optimization of business goals and resources, thereby increasing the investment attractiveness of the region in the medium term.

Keywords: Industrial Park, GIS-technologies, industrial economy, territorial zoning, territorial planning.

Bibliographical Reference:
Svetlana Sheina, Narman Ayubov, Liya Babenko. “APPLICATION OF GIS-TECHNOLOGIES TO THE EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE ROSTOV REGION: LOCALIZATION OF ECONOMIC SPACE.” In Proceedings of International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2015), 77. Tokyo, Japan, 2015.