The ICCBEI 2015 Full Paper Template is here. Please download the Microsoft Word Template and prepare your manuscripts. Manuscripts ranging Min. 2 pages to Max. 8 pages will be appropriate. The reason why 2 page full papers are allowed is that in some very strict societies or nations, any figure, table, and text must not appear in multiple papers, even in international conference proceedings. Thus, if you are not in such environment, authors are encouraged to write manuscripts ranging from 4 to 8 pages. Make a PDF file from your WORD file.

Abstracts are optional. Those who have not submitted abstracts CAN and are encouraged to submit full papers.

Please submit your full paper manuscript in PDF file via EasyChair by October 31, 2014. Each manuscript will be rigorously reviewed. Based on the review result, you may have to modify your manuscripts. All final papers will be due January 31, 2015. Both WORD and PDF files of final papers must be submitted.

Excellent papers will be invited to submit to special issues or special sections of notable academic journals such as "Advanced Engineering Informatics" of Elsevier, "Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITCON)". Please note that authors will have to add more research reviews, new aspects, thoughts, findings, discussions, etc., and reorganize the structure of the proceedings papers in order to be accepted by academic journals.

Best papers and best student presentations will be awarded.

The deadline of full papers has been extended to November 30, 2014.


Submission Page (hosted by
