Research Theme

1. Stock Estimation and Future Scenario Analysis based on Chemical Substance and Product Classification

We evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasure options for unusual situations, taking into account the cause, scale, and nature of the disaster/incident and the nature of the air, water, and soil affected by the event, based on risk theory.  Subsequently, we develop management guidelines to implement the countermeasure options in terms of regulation and self-management.


Cost-effectiveness analysis, Regulatory impact assessment, Environmental fate assessment, Natech (natural hazard triggered technological accident), Chemical substance management, Disaster prevention, Toughening

2. Risk Governance through the Cooperation of a Risk Evaluation Technology and the Institutional System

(Supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (1-1501) of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. (FY2015~2017)) PJ homepage (* Japanese)

Sub-theme 1: Flow & Stock analysis under future policy scenario based on the category of chemicals and products

Risk assessments should be performed even when there is insufficient knowledge of what is required. We have developed an evaluation method for performing risk assessments with limited information, and determine additional data collection requirements for specific variables, to enable practical risk assessment.

Also, risk assessment is a dynamic process that must be updated as the knowledge is available. We have been developing an evaluation method to support risk management measures based on the amount of knowledge accumulated and changes in circumstances. As an example, we successfully proposed prototype models for flame retardants.


Flow & Stock Analysis, Risk from Stock, CSCL (Chemical Substance Controle Low), PRTR (Pollution Release and Transfer Register (system)), Chemical in Products and Comodities.

Sub-theme 2: Development of Risk Trade-off Analysis and its Application.

 To establish a low-carbon society (60-80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050), it is essential to analyze the structure of countervailing risks and to propose management principles based on the clarification of the trade-off structure, while  aiming at the reduction of greenhouse gas emission risks. We focus on the low carbon policy of the automotive industry and analyze the risk trade-off between the spread of next-generation vehicles and the use of biofuels.


Risk Trade-off Analysis, Inter-Dependency, Water Consumption, Resource Consumption, Energy Consumption.

Sub-theme 3: Construcing Platform to Collect the Data-set and Case-studies

Construct the platform in order to collect and share the broad knowledge for finding inter-dependency and describing future scenario.


Sharing Knowledge Basis, Infromation Disclosure, Plat-form Construction.



3. Analysis of behavior change in lifestyle and estimation of induced effects.

Maintaining the convenience and environmental quality of life requires risk management in the industrial environmental system, which is  consumers and the manufacturing industry are part of. We design an Environmental Accounting for Households that encourages an understanding of the two sides of the relationship between consumer convenience and dependence on the environment. Research is being conducted on the Environmental Accounting for Householdsto determine the potential contribution of people’s behavior change to the reduction of environmental impacts (and whether there is room for it).


Questionnaire surveys, statistical analysis, behavior change analysis, environmental accounting for household, mobility management, traffic behavior, flame retardants


4. Development of a policy support model for chemical management.

AIST-ADMER, METI-LIS, and AIST-SHANEL, developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, are examples of exposure analysis models for environmental emission systems that are used in the industrial sector. In addition to these models, by developing an exposure analysis model in an indoor working environment, it is possible to comprehensively understand the exposure route of chemical substances for the industry.

We are engaged in research such as the systematization of the European working environment exposure assessment model, Advanced REACH Tool, to draw relevant lessons for application in the Japanese safety management of work environment industry.


Questionnaire surveys, statistical analysis, behavior change analysis, environmental accounting for household, mobility management, traffic behavior, flame retardants


5. Material generation and dispersion models, meta-analysis, Bayesian estimation method, impact analysis of occupational exposure control measures

Japan’s chemical management from a macroscopic perspective is based on the Chemical Substances Control Law (*1) and the Chemical Substances Control Law (*2). We analyze the cost-effectiveness in reducing health and ecological risks for chemical substance management measures implemented at the government level.

*1 The control level of a substance is classified by screening and classifying it in terms of toxicity and exposure classes and specifying the control level.

*2 Obligation to report chemical substance emissions, as represented by the PRTR system


Cost-effectiveness, life cycle assessment, human health impact indicator, ecological loss impact indicator, material substitution scenario


6. Planning and evaluation of renewal plans for low-carbon and resource-recycling infrastructures through cross-cutting cooperation.

We conduct flow stock analysis to support the replacement of venous social capital such as sewage treatment plants and waste incineration facilities with a decentralized energy supply center and a center of resource metabolism within the city and between cities and rural areas.

The evaluation targets include coordinated measures for sewage treatment and incineration facilities based on the mixed anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste and sewage sludge, and the impact of water and rainwater harvesting equipment on energy production at sewage treatment facilities. The analysis focuses on these cross-sectoral and coordinated plans.


Material Flow Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, Bioenergy, Resource Circulation, Social Capital Renewal under Declining Population



7. Building a Prototype Model for Urban Risk Governance Management.

To solve the global environmental risk of global warming over a very long period, a considerable amount of money is being spent on this issue. Measures against chemical substances given to long-term exposure (over a person’s lifetime) and water quality management policies aimed at protecting ecosystems, such as the OECD’s recommendation to Japan, are being promoted. Meanwhile, cities are being asked to respond to the crises that may occur in the near future at the local level, such as vulnerabilities emerging fromcomplex disasters. If these responses are carried out under under individual optimal solutions on different evaluation axes , there is a concern that this process may result in a burden on future generations and other regions. We aim to construct a theory and develop methods to manage and govern these different types of risks in an integrated framework, and to demonstrate the applicability of these methods through case studies.


Decision support models, optimization methods, typology of technology risk governance, centralized carbon and chemic



    環境省・環境再生保全機構 環境研究総合推進費 1MF-2303 / FY2023-2024 / 研究代表:東海 明宏



    環境省・環境再生保全機構 環境研究総合推進費 3-2304 / FY2023-2025 / 研究代表:中久保 豊彦


    • サブテーマ1:外部境界技術の変化を踏まえた浄化槽システムの2050年脱炭素シナリオの設計【リーダー:中久保 豊彦(大阪大学)】
    • サブテーマ2:設計・維持管理の高度化による浄化槽からのGHGs削減手法の提案【リーダー:山崎 宏史(東洋大学)】
    • サブテーマ3:浄化槽汚泥等のバイオチャー化によるCO2削減技術の確立【リーダー:蛯江 美孝(国立環境研究所)】




    • 非平常な有害物質の流出を伴う産業事故はNatech (natural hazard triggered technological accident) と定義され、その対策論の具体化が求められています。環境媒体としての大気圏、水圏、土壌圏、マルチメディアを対象に、被影響先の性質を考慮した対策オプションの具体化と、対策の有効性の評価に取り組んでいます。
    • 平時から災害・事故を経て、また平時に戻る過程に内在するリスクに着目し、その社会的影響までを見据えたリスク評価を実施するとともに、包括的なリスク管理基盤の整備を目指しています。





    • 汚水処理システムの再編に向け、集合処理方式(下水道)と個別処理方式(浄化槽)の最適な分担のあり方、浄化槽分野での維持管理の高度化によるGHG(Greenhouse gas)排出削減、下水処理場によるエネルギーマネジメントの実装に向けた課題に取り組んでいます。
    • 汚泥資源化システムの構築に向け、下水処理場での浄化槽汚泥の共同処理、ごみ焼却施設での廃熱エネルギーを活用した脱水汚泥の資源・エネルギー回収、下水処理場の再生可能エネルギーでの自立化を対象に、施策導入による効果を評価するためのシミュレーション解析を行っています。
    • 環境影響に限定せず、経済性、社会受容性、災害に対する強靭性も評価領域とし、将来に向けた地域環境インフラのあるべき論を追求しています。





    • 2050年カーボンニュートラルに向けた製品(自動車、再生可能エネルギー電源等)の普及は、CO2排出削減に寄与する一方で、製品のライフサイクル全体を通して環境影響の発生メカニズムを精査すると、トレードオフの発生が懸念されます。
    • 製品の普及・使用・廃棄の将来シナリオを描き、トレードオフに着目した被害評価を実施するとともに、トレードオフの解消に向けた対策の提案に取り組んでいます。





    • PCB廃棄物の管理・処理に係る施策経過の費用対効果分析、残留性有機汚染物質(POPs)の環境中での長距離移動性のシミュレーション解析を通して、化審法をベースとした我が国の化学物質管理のあり方を検証しています。
    • 下水汚泥中に含まれる化石炭素(Fossil carbon, FC)に着目し、 FC由来物質の流入量解析、下水処理場での炭素収支解析を通して、FCを考慮した下水道部門からのGHG排出量の定量化、GHG排出管理策の検討に取り組んでいます。


    【研究対象】PCB廃棄物処理の経過の検証、規制対象物質の環境中での動態解析、化学品に着目した炭素のSFA(Substance Flow Analysis)



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