- 山崎祐二,古川靖英,中島朋宏,稲葉薫,清水孝昭,西垣誠,田小維,鈴木市郎,小林剛,井上大介,池道彦:加温原位置バイオレメディエーションによるクロロエチレン類汚染地下水: 浄化.土木学会論文集G (環境),78(2),49–60 (2022)
- Yoneda Y., Yamamoto K., Makino A., Tanaka Y., Meng X.-Y., Hashimoto J., Shin-Ya K., Satoh N., Fujie M., Toyama T, Mori K., Ike M. Morikawa M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H.: Novel plant-associated Acidobacteria promotes growth of common floating aquatic plants, duckweeds. Microorganisms, 9(6), 1133 (2021)
- Inoue D., Hiroshima N., Ishizawa H., Ike M.: Whole structures, core taxa, and functional properties of duckweed microbiomes. Bioresource Technology Reports, 18, 101060 (2022)
- Miyake M., Hasebe Y., Furusawa K., Shiomi H., Inoue D., Ike M.: Efficient aerobic granular sludgeproduction in simultaneous feeding and drawing sequencing batch reactors fed with low-strength municipal wastewater under high organic loading rate conditions. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 184, 108469 (2022)
- Makino A., Nakai R., Yoneda Y., Toyama T., Tanaka Y., Meng XY., Mori K., Ike M., Morikawa M.,Kamagata Y., Tamaki H.: Isolation of aquatic plant growth-promoting bacteria for the floating plant duckweed (Lemna minor). Microorganisms, 10(8), 1564 (2022)
- Duc L.V., Miyagawa Y., Inoue D., Ike M.: Identification of key steps and associated microbial
populations for efficient anaerobic digestion under high ammonium or salinity conditions.
Bioresource Technology, 360, 127571 (2022) - Inoue D., Hiroshima N., Nakamura S., Ishizawa H., Ike M.: Characterization of two novel predatory bacteria, Bacteriovorax stolpii HI3 and Myxococcus sp. MH1, isolated from a freshwater pond: Prey range, and predatory dynamics and efficiency. Microorganisms, 10(9), 1816 (2022)
- Inoue D., Hisada K., Ike M.: Effectiveness of tetrahydrofuran at enhancing the 1,4-dioxane
degradation ability of activated sludge lacking prior exposure to 1,4-dioxane. Water Science and Technology, 86(7), 1707–1718 (2022) - Inoue D., Hiroshima N., Ishizawa H., Dohra H., Ike M.: Complete genome sequences of two predatory bacterial strains, Bacteriovorax sp. HI3 and Myxococcus sp. MH1, isolated from a freshwater pond. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 11(12), e0114622 (2022)
- Kuroda M., Sei K., Yamashita M., Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Stutzerimonas stutzeri NT-I, which reduces selenium oxyanions into elemental selenium and volatile selenium species. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 11(12), e0101622 (2022)
- Shrestha R.G., Inoue D., Ike M.: Effectiveness of column-type two-stage constructed wetlands for simultaneous removal of organic compounds and heavy metals focusing on the impact of feeding modes and hydraulic retention time. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 58(4), 137–148 (2022)
- Ishizawa H., Kaji Y., Shimizu Y., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Makino A., Nakai R., Tamaki H., Morikawa M., Ike M.: Spontaneous cell lysis by Pelomonas saccharophila MRB3 provides plant-available macronutrients in hydroponic growth media and accelerates biomass production of duckweed. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 21(1), 49–58 (2023)
- Miyake M., Hasebe Y., Furusawa K., Shiomi H., Inoue D., Ike M.: Pilot-scale demonstration of
aerobic granular sludge augmentation applied to continuous-flow activated sludge process for the treatment of low-strength municipal wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 51, 103392 (2023) - Noro K., Endo S., Inoue D., Suzuki N., Kameoka H., Ono J., Nakamura S., Yabuki Y.: Development of a new polar organic chemical integrative sampler for 1,4-dioxane using silicone membrane as a diffusion barrier. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 42(2), 296–302 (2023)
- Yang Z., Sadakane T., Hosokawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Factors affecting antimonate bioreduction by Dechloromonas sp. AR-2 and Propionivibrio sp. AR-3. 3 Biotech, 11(4), 163 (2021)
- Yoneda Y., Yamamoto K., Makino A., Tanaka Y., Meng X.-Y., Hashimoto J., Shin-Ya K., Satoh N., Fujie M., Toyama T, Mori K., Ike M. Morikawa M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H.: Novel plant-associated Acidobacteria promotes growth of common floating aquatic plants, duckweeds. Microorganisms, 9(6), 1133 (2021)
- 藤井雄太,三塚和弘,緒方浩基,井上大介,池道彦:クロロエチレン類の脱塩素化に用いる水素供与体としてのグルコン酸の汎用性,水環境学会誌,44(4), 69-77 (2021)
- Inoue D., Yoshikawa T., Okumura T., Yabuki Y., Ike M.: Treatment of 1,4-dioxane-containing water using carriers immobilized with indigenous microorganisms in landfill leachate treatment sludge: a laboratory-scale reactor study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414, 125497 (2021)
- Rubiyanto, Mori K., Inoue D., Kim S., Yu J., Lee T., Ike M., Toyama T.: Isolation and characterization of Euglena gracilis-associated bacteria, Enterobacter sp. CA3 and Emticicia sp. CN5, capable of promoting the growth and paramylon production of E. gracilis under mixotrophic cultivation. Microorganisms, 9(7), 1496 (2021)
- Ishizawa H., Onoda Y., Kitajima K., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Coordination of leaf economics traits within the family of the world’s fastest growing plants (Lemnaceae). Journal of Ecology, 109(8), 2950-2962 (2021)
- Inoue D., Fukuyama A., Ren Y., Ike M.: Optimization of aerobic dynamic discharge process for very rapid enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoates-accumulating bacteria from activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 336, 125314 (2021)
- Fujioka T., Kodamatani H., Tran H.D.M., Fujioka A., Koki H., Yoshikawa T., Inoue D., Ikehara K.: Degradation of N-nitrosamines and 1,4-dioxane using vacuum ultraviolet irradiation (UV254+185 nm or UV172 nm). Chemosphere, 278, 130326 (2021)
- Shrestha R.G., Inoue D., Ike M.: Effects of selection and compiling strategy of substrates in column-type vertical-flow constructed wetlands on the treatment of synthetic leachate containing bisphenol A. Water Science and Technology, 84(6), 1428 -1437 (2021)
- Isaka K., Masuda T., Omae S., Mishima I., Ike M.: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur on the start-up of a biological 1,4-dioxane removal process using Pseudonocardia sp. D17. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 176, 108179 (2021)
- Sano T., Ito H., Ishida K., Sato A., Duc L.V., Kawagoshi Y.: Effect of surface hydrophilicity of symmetric polytetrafluoroethylene flat-sheet membranes on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor.Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 57(4), 79-89 (2021)
- Yamazaki Y., Kitamura G., Tian X., Suzuki I., Kobayashi T., Shimizu T., Inoue D., Ike M.: Temperature dependence of sequential chlorinated ethenes dichlorination and the dynamics of dichlorination microorganisms. Chemosphere, 287(1), 131989 (2022)
- Kim S., Ishizawa H., Inoue D., Toyama T., Yu J., Mori K., Ike M., Lee T.: Microalgal transformation of food processing byproducts into functional food ingredients. Bioresource Technology, 344(B), 126324 (2022)
- Toyama T., Mori K., Tanaka Y., Ike M., Morikawa M.: Growth promotion of giant duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza (Lemnaceae) by Ensifer sp. SP4 through enhancement of nitrogen metabolism and photosynthesis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 35(1), 28-38 (2022)
- Yamamoto K., Yoneda Y., Makino A., Tanaka Y., Meng X.-Y., Hashimoto J., Shin-Ya K., Satoh N., Fujie M., Toyama T., Mori K., Ike M., Morikawa M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H.: Draft genome sequence of Bryobacteraceae strain F-183. Microbiology Resource Announcement, 11(1), e0045321 (2022)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Genome-wide identification of bacterial colonization and fitness determinants on the floating macrophyte, duckweed. Communications Biology, 5, 68 (2022)
- Yamamoto K., Yoneda Y., Makino A., Tanaka Y., Meng X.-Y., Hashimoto J., Shin-Ya K., Satoh N., Fujie M., Toyama T., Mori K., Ike M., Morikawa M., Kamagata Y., Tamaki H.: Complete genome sequence of Luteitalea sp. strain TBR-22. Microbiology Resource Announcement, 11(2), e0045521 (2022)
- Lichthouse E., Morin-Crini N., Bradu C., Boussouga Y.-A., Aliaskari M., Schaefer A.I., Das S., Wilson L.D., Ike M., Inoue D., Kuroda M., Deon S., Fievet P., Crini G.: Methods for selenium removal from contaminated waters: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20(3), 2019-2041 (2022)
- 池 道彦: 水環境の事典((公社)日本水環境学会編) 第II部 水環境を巡る知と技術の進化と展望 II-3 水資源とその利用 II-3-4 産業活動を支える水資源 3 廃水からの資源回収,226-227,朝倉書店(東京都新宿区)(2021)
- 井上大介: 水環境の事典((公社)日本水環境学会編) 第II部 水環境を巡る知と技術の進化と展望 II-4 水処理技術とシステム II-4-3 下廃水の処理技術 13 金属類の除去・無毒化技術,290-291,朝倉書店(東京都新宿区)(2021)
- Ike M., Inoue D., Kuroda M.: Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable World 66, Emerging Contaminants Vol. 2 Remediation (eds. Morin-Crini N., Lichtfouse E., and Crini G.) Chapter 3 Technologies to remove selenium from water and wastewater, 207-304, 3.5 Examples of treatment for selenium removal, 3.5.1 Biological removal of selenate by activated sludge, 283-286, Springer Nature/Springer International Publishing AG Cham (Switzerland) (2021)
- Yamazaki Y., Hasegawa A., Tian X., Suzuki I., Kobayashi T., Shimizu T., Inoue D., Ike M.: Effect of elevated temperature on cis-1,2-dichloroethene dechlorination and microbial community structure in contaminated soils—a biostimulation approach. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering , 103682 (2020)
- Inoue D., Hisada K., Okumura T., Yabuki Y., Yoshida G., Kuroda M., Ike M.: Carbon sources that enable enrichment of 1,4-dioxane-degrading bacteria in landfill leachate. Biodegradation, 31(1-2): 23-34 (2020)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Morikawa M., Ike M. Community dynamics of duckweed-associated bacteria upon inoculation of plant growth-promoting bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology , 96(7): fiaa101 (2020)
- Inoue D., Yang J., Takaoka M., Sei K., Ishigaki T.: DNA-based evaluation of biological mercury methylation potential in waste landfill. Global Environmental Research , 24: 19-25 (2020)
- Fujii Y., Mitsuka K., Ogata H., Inoue D., Ike M.: Development and characterization of a chloroethenes-dechlorinating consortium using gluconate as a hydrogen donor. Journal of Water and Environment Technology , 18(4): 212-225 (2020)
- Yang Z., Hosokawa H., Sadakane T., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Nishikawa H., Ike M. : Isolation and characterization of facultative-anaerobic antimonate-reducing bacteria. Microorganisms , 8(9): 1435 (2020)
- Fujioka T., Kodamatani H., Yoshikawa T., Inoue D., Ikehata K. .: Assessment of 265-nm UV-LED for direct photolysis and advanced oxidation of N-nitrosamines and 1,4-dioxane. Environmental Technology & Innovation ,20: 101147 (2020)
- Ishizawa H., Tada M., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Futamata H., Ike M. : Synthetic bacterial community of duckweed: a simple and stable system to study plant-microbe interactions. Microbes and Environments ,35(4): me20112 (2020)
- Soda S., Park G., Takeuchi K., Ike M.: Nitrogen removal by simultaneous anammox and denitrification under low temperature: preliminary batch trials. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology , 56(4): 91-97 (2020)
- Shrestha R.G., Nakai M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Potential for enhanced degradation and removal of various bisphenols by interaction between common reed (Phragmites australis) and microorganisms. Journal of Water and Environment Technology ,19(1): 13-23 (2021)
- Yang Z., Hosokawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Microbial antimonate reduction and removal potentials in river sediments. Chemosphere ,266: 129192 (2021)
- 藤井雄太,三塚和弘,佐藤祐輔,緒方浩基,井上大介,池 道彦:クロロエチレン類による地下水汚染サイトのグルコン酸を用いた生物学的浄化.土木学会論文集G(環境), 76(7): III_269-III_276 (2020)
- Hara K., Yoshioka R., Kuroda M.,Kurimoto S., Saijo T.: Reconciling intergenerational conflicts with imaginary future generations: evidence from a participatory deliberation practice in a municipality in Japan. Sustainability Science, 14(6): 1605-1619(2019)
- Pang J. Yamato M., Soda S., Inoue D., Ike M.:Nitrogen-cycling functional genes in brackish and freshwater sediments in Yodo River in Japan. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 17(2): 109-116(2019)
- Nittami T., Shoji T., Koshiba Y., Noguchi M., Oshiki M., Kuroda M., Kindaichi T., Fukuda J., Kurisu F.: Investigation of prospective factors that control Kouleothrix(Type 1851) filamentous bacterial abundance and their correlation with sludge settleability in full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 124: 137-142(2019)
- Zhang Y., Kuroda M., Arai S., Kato F., Inoue D., Ike M.: Biological treatment of selenate-containing saline wastewater by activated sludge under oxygen-limiting conditions. Water Research, 154: 327-335(2019)
- Ishizawa H., Tada M., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Performance of plant growth-promoting bacterium of duckweed under different kinds of abiotic stress factors. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 19: 101146(2019)
- Zhang Y., Kuroda M., Nakatani Y., Soda S.,Ike M.: Removal of selenite from artificial wastewater with high salinity by activated sludge in aerobic sequencing batch reactors. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 127(5): 618-624(2019)
- Ghaju Shrestha R., Sawada K., Inoue D., Yoshinaga H., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Tanaka Y., Sei K., Sherchand J. B., Haramoto E.: Comparison of pathogenic bacteria in water and fecal-source samples in the Kathmandu alley, Nepal, using high-throughput DNA microarray. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 17(5): 13074-13081(2019)
- Inoue D., Fukuyama A., Ren Y.,Ike M.: Rapid enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoate -accumulating bacteria by the aerobic dynamic discharge process: Enrichment effectiveness, polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation ability, and bacterial community characteristics in comparison with the aerobic dynamic feeding process. Bioresource Technology Reports, 7: 100276 (2019)
- Zhang Y., Kuroda M., Arai S., Kato F., Inoue D., Ike M.: Biological removal of selenate in saline wastewater by activated sludge under alternating anoxic/oxic conditions: Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 13(5): 68(2019)
- Kuroda M., Suda S., Sato M., Ayano H., Ohishi Y., Nishikawa H.,, Soda S., Ike M.: Biosynthesis of bismuth selenide nanoparticles using chalcogen-metabolizing bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(21-22): 8853-8861(2019)
- Ike M., Okaka Y., Narui T., Sakai K., Kuroda M., Soda S., Inoue D.: Potential of waste activated sludge to accumulate polyhydoxyalkanoates and glycogen using industrial wastewater/liquid wastes as substrates. Water Science and Technology, 80(12): 2372-2380(2019)
- Inoue D., Tsunoda T., Sawada K., Yamamoto N., Sei K., Ike M.: Stimulatory and inhibitory effects of metals on 1,4-dioxane degradation by four different 1,4-dioxane-degrading bacteria. Chemosphere, 238: 124606(2020)
- Ishizawa H., Ogata Y., Hachiya Y., Tokura K., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Toyama T., Tanaka Y., Mori K., Morikawa M., Ike M: Enhanced biomass production and nutrient removal capacity of duckweed via two-step cultivation process with a plant growth-promoting bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus P23. Chemosphere, 238: 124682(2020)
- Inoue D., Nakazawa M.,. Yamamoto N., Sei K., Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus aetherivorans JCM 14343T, a bacterium capable of degrading recalcitrant noncyclic and cyclic ethers. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9(3): e01345-19(2020)
- Nazifa T. H., Kristanti R. A., Ike M., Kuroda M., Hadibarata T.: Occurrence and distribution of estrogenic chemicals in river waters of Malaysia. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 12(1): 65-74(2020)
10th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries
- Ike M., Okada Y., Narui T., Sakai K., Kuroda M., Soda S., Inoue D.: Potential of waste activated sludge to accumulate polyhydroxyalkanoates and glycogen using industrial wastewater/liquid wastes as substrates. AGRO’2019 Book of Abstract in USB memory(2019)
- Inoue D., Sawada K., Huy N. D., Chikamori H., Maeda M.: Nitrification potential and associated microbial populations in agricultual soil in coastal areas of Central Vietnam. AGRO’2019 Book of Abstract in USB memory (2019)
Federation of European Microbiological Societies 2019
- Kuroda M., Hatanaka H., Suegami Y., Inoue D., Ike M.: Efficient biovolatilization of tellurium from water phase by Psudomonas stutzeri NT-I. FEMS2019 Abstract Book, 1232(2019)
Water and Environment Technology Conference(WET) 2019
- Ghaju Shrestha R., Tanaka Y., Inoue D., Sei K., Sherchand J. B., Haramoto E.: Quantification of Arcobacter and its virulence genes in environmental water samples in the Kthmandu Vally, Nepal. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 14(2019)
- Ishizawa H., Tada M., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Improvement of duckweed biomass production using plant growth-promoting bacteria under various abiotic stress factors. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 14(2019)
- Ikeda M., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Nutrients accelerating selenium removal by Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 47(2019)
- Yoshikawa T., Okumura T., Inoue D., Yabuki Y., Daifuku T., Ike M.: Biological treatment of 1,4-dioxane by fluidized bed reactors with bacterial communities enriched on different types of carriers. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 59(2019)
- Fukuyama A., Ren Y., Inoue D., Ike M.: Rapid enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoates-accumulating bacteria from activated sludge by aerobic dynamic discharge process. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 60(2019)
- Yang Z., Hosokawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Antiony-removing potential of microorganisms existing in natural environment. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019(WET2019), 98(2019)
The 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AWTEE)
- Yang Z., Hosokawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M: Antimony-removing potential of microorganisms existing in natural water environments. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 16-19(2019)
- Hosokawa H., Kuroda M., Ike M.: Isolation and characterization of novel antimony-removing bacteria. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 32-34(2019)
- Makita A., Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Morikawa M., Ike M.: Influence of various organic compounds on the biomass production of duckweed. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 65-68(2019)
- Fukuyama A., Ren Y., Inoue D., Ike M.: Optimization of operational conditions of aerobic dynamic discharge process for rapid enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoates-accumulating bacteria from activated sludge. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 69-71(2019)
- Tada M., Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Performance of plant growth-promoting bacterium of duckweed under different kinds of abiotic stress factors. Proceedings of the 12th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 75-78(2019)
The 5th international ICDRA Conference Duckweed Research and Applications
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Frond economics spectrum: correlationns between duckweed morphology, physiology, and capacity. The 5th ICDRA Conference Duckweed Research and Applications Program & Abstracts, 64(2019)
23rd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium
- Kuroda M., Ike M.: Removal and recovery of selenium from wastewater utilizing biovolatilization by selenium-metabolizing bacteria. IBS2019 Abstract Book 209(2019)
The 4th International Anammox Symposium
- Soda S., Takeuchi K., Park G., Ike M.: Simultaneous anammox and denitrification in a batch mode under ambient temperature. Proceedings of the 4th International Anammox Symposium(iANAS2019), 107-112(2019)
8th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference
- Inoue D., Hisada K., Kuroda M., Ike M.: Enrichment of 1,4-dioxane-degrading bacteria in activated sludge using tetrahydrojuran. 8th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference Web Abstract, P082-E(2019)
EcoDesign 2019
- Kuroda M., Uwasu M., Hara K.: Effects of Time Framing on the Perception of Water Environmental Problems-Evidence from Future Design Workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. EcoDesign 2019 USB Proceedings(2019)
- 池 道彦, 井上 大介:膜分離活性汚泥法における膜面微生物群集の動態. 用水と廃水, 61(10): 721-727(2019)
- 池 道彦:特集のねらい 環境・資源保全に資するメタルバイオテクノロジー. 環境技術, 48(6): 229(2019)
- 黒田 真史, 池 道彦:微生物のカルコゲン代謝を利用した環境適合型半導体ナノ粒子合成. 環境技術, 48(6): 318-321(2019)
- Yamamoto N., Saito Y., Inoue D., Sei K., and Ike M.: Characterization of newly isolated Psudonocardia sp. N23 with high 1,4dioane-degrading ability. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 125(5): 551-558(2018)
- Inoue D., Tsunoda T., Yamamoto N., Ike M., and Sei K.: 1,4-Dioxane degradation characteristics of Rhodococcus aetherivorans JCM14343. Biodegradation, 29: 301-310(2018)
- Inoue D., Yoshinaga H., Malla B., Shrestha R.G., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Tanaka Y., Sherchand J.B., Haramoto E., and Sei K.: Comprehensive detection of pathogenic bacteria in jar water, community well groundwater, and environmentalwater in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 54(2): 65-72(2018)
- Toyama T., Kasuya M., Hanaoka T., Kobayashi N., Tanaka Y., Inoue D., Sei K., Morikawa M., and Mori K.: Growth promotion of three microalgae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella vulgaris and Euglena gracilis, by in situ indigenous bacteria in wastewater effluent. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11:176(2018)
- Kishita Y., Uwasu M., Hara K., Kuroda M., Takeda H., Umeda Y., and Shimoda Y.: Toward designing sustainability education programs: a survey of master’s programs through semi-structured interviews. Sustainability Science, 13(4): 953-972(2018)
- Takada K., Shiba T., Yamaguchi T., Akane Y., Nakayama Y., Soda S., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Cake layer bacterial communities during different biofouling stages in full-scale membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 259: 259-267(2018)
- Malla B., Shrestha R.G., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Inoue D., Sei K., Tanaka Y., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: validation of host-secific Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays and their application to microbial source tracking of drinking water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(2): 609-619(2018)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Complete genome sequences of two plant growth-promoting bacteria, Acinetobacter ursingii M3 and Asticcacaulis excentricus M6, isolated from duckweed (Lemna minor). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 7(12): e01092-18(2018)
- Shrestha R.G., Tanaka Y., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Inoue D., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Garamoto E.: Development of a quantitative PCR assay for Arcomacter spp. and its application to environmental water samples. Microbes and Environments, 33(3):309-316(2018)
- Kuroda M., Hara K., Takekawa M., Uwasu M., and Ike M.: Historical trends of academic research on the water environment in Japan: evidence from the academic literature in the past 50 years. Water, 10: 1456(2018)
- Kuroda M., Horino T., Inoue D., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Biomass production and nutrient removal through cultivation of Euglena gracilis in domestic wastewater. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 54(4): 105-113(2018)
- Malla B., Shrestha R.G., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., INoue D., Sei K., Tanaka Y., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Identification of human and animal fecal contamination in drinking water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using host-associated Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays. Water, 10: 1796(2018)
- Yamamoto N., Inoue D., Sei K., Saito Y., and Ike M.: Field test of on-site treatment of 1,4-dioxane-contaminated groundwater using Psudonocardia sp. D17. Journal of Water and Environmental Technology, 16(6): 256-268(2018)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue K., Inoue D., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Colonization and competition dynamics of plant growth-promoting bacteria in the phytosphere of the duckweed Lemna minor. Microbial Ecology, 77: 440-450(2018)
- 山本哲史, 井上大介, 斎藤祐二, 池道彦: 1,4-ジオキサン含有排水処理における従来技術の課題と生物学的処理適用の可能性(総説). 日本水処理生物学会誌, 55(1): 1-13(2019)
Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition
- Inoue D., Narui T., Okada Y., Yokoe K., Kuroda M., Soda S., and Ike M.: Potential of PHA and glycogen accumulation from industrial wastewater in waste activated sludge. Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2018, O-Bc-4-3(2018)
- Kuroda M., Horino T., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Biomass production of Euglena gracilis coupled with nutrient removal in domestic wastewater. Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2018, P-Bc-7(2018)
water and Environment Technology Conference 2018 (WET2018)
- Yamamoto N., Inoue D., Sei K., Saito Y., and Ike M.: Field test of on-site treatment of 1,4-diowane-contaminated groundwater by bioreactor using Pseudonocardia sp. D17. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2018 (WET2018), 47(2018)
- Shrestha R.G., Sawada K., Inoue D., Yoshinaga H., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Tanaka Y., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Identification of pathogenic bacteria in water samples in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using DNA microarray analysis. Proceedings of Water and Environment Technology Conference 2018(WET2018), 47(2018)
11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE)
- Fukuyama A., Narui T., Kuroda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Rapid enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoate-accumulating microorganisms from activated sludge with two enrichment processes. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 13-17(2018)
- Ikezaki T., Kuroda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Evaluation of desalination capacity of ice plant. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 36-39(2018)
- Hosokawa H., Mori K., Soda S., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Characterization of bacterial enrichment capable of removing antimony from water phase. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 60-64(2018)
- Zhang Y., Kuroda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Biological treatment of selenate in saline wastewater by activated sludge under alternating anoxic/oxic condition. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 72-74(2018)
- Ookubo T., Inoue D., Yamamoto N., Kuroda M., and Ike M.: Evaluation of 1,4-dioxane-degrading ability of Pseudonocardia sp. N23 in the coexistence of other organic chemicals under two pH conditions Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 78-80(2018)
- Nishino Y., Kuroda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Analysis of bacterial community enriched in the Spirodela polyrrhiza rhizosphere during 4-tert-butylphenol degradation. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 92-95(2018)
- Makita A., Shimizu Y., Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Comparative evaluation on biomass production of five duckweed species in various wastewater. Proceedings of 11th Joint Workshop on Advanced Engineering Technology for Environment and Energy (AETEE), 105-107(2018)
IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018
- Shrestha R.G., Tanaka Y., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Inoue D., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Characterization of bacterial community in fecal-source samples in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using next-generation sequencing. Proceedings of IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018(2018)
- Sawada K., Inoue D., Nakanishi T., Ike M.: Detection of retinoic acid receptor antagonistic activities in Sagami River in Japan using a yeast two-hybrid assay. Proceedings of IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018(2018)
- Shimizu M., Fujita T., Katakura Y., Sugaya K., Inoue D., and Furumai H.: High 1.4-dioxane degradation performance of activated sludge process treating industrial wastewater. Proceedings of IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018(2018)
17th World Lake Conference
- Nakai M., Inoue D., Ike M.: Degradation of bisphenols in the Phragmites australis rhizosphere. Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference, 386-388(O3-29)(2018)
- Inoue D., Fujii D., Kuroda M., and Ike M.: Removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate by vertical flow constructed wetlands. Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference,1289-1291(P7-8)(2018)
10th Annual Conference of the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE2018)
- Inoue D., Hisada K., Okumura T., Yabuki Y., Yoshida G., Kuroda M., and Ike M.: Exploring carbon sources that enable enrichment of 1,4-dioxane-degrading bacteria in landfill leachate. Abstract book of CESE2017, the 10th Annual Conference of the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, 100(2018)
NARO-MARCO International Symposium on Nitrogen Cycling and Its Environmental Impacts in East Asia
- Maeda M., Fujimura T., Tuong V.H.N., Inoue D., Chikamori H., Hyodo F. Possible sources of ammonium in shallow groundwater of vegetable fields in Central Vietnam. Abstract (Proceedings) of NARO-MARCO International Symposium on Nitrogen Cycling and Its Environmental Impacts in East Asia, 68(2018)
- 井上大介;下水汚泥を活用したバイオプラスチック生産~下水処理で発生する廃棄物の高付加価値資源への転換~, 生産と技術, 71(1), 98-100(2019)
- 惣田訓, 高田一輝, 橋本くるみ, 池道彦:都市下水を処理する膜分離活性汚泥法の細菌叢構造, EICA(環境システム計測制御学会誌), 22(4), 41-45(2018)
- 藤原拓, 井上大介,前田守弘,山根信三,野村洋平,Jia Sijing, Kai Cao:カスケード利用とユーザー視点導入による下水処理場の価値向上~消化汚泥の肥料利用を例として~,月刊下水道, 41(5), 50-54(2018)
- A D., Oka M., Fujii Y., Soda S., Ishigaki T., Machimura T., and Ike M.: Removal of heavy metals from synthetic landfill leachate in lab-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands. Science of The Total Environment, 584-585: 742-750 (2017)
- Park G., Takekawa M., Soda S., Ike M., and Furukawa K.: Temperature dependence of nitrogen removal activity by anammox bacteria enriched at low temperature. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 123 (4), 505-511 (2017)
- Inoue D., Suzuki Y., Morohoshi J., and Sei K.: Polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation ability and relevant microbial populations in acetate-fed mixed microbial cultures enriched from activated sludge under different temperature conditions. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 53 (2), 57-67 (2017)
- Park G., Soda S., and Ike M.:Model-based evaluation of effects of temperature on nitrogen removal in low- and moderate-temperature type anammox reactors. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 53 (2), 69-79 (2017)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Differential oxidative and antioxidative response of duckweed Lemna minor toward plant growth promoting/inhibition bacteria. Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, 118, 667-673 (2017)
- Toyama T., Kuroda M., Ogata Y., Hachiya Y., Quach A., Tokura K., Tanaka Y., Mori K., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Enhanced biomass production of duckweeds by inoculating a plant growth-promoting bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus P23, in sterile medium and non-sterile environmental waters. Water Science and Technology, 76.6, 1418-1428 (2017)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., and Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Aquitalea magnusonii strain H3, a plant growth-promoting bacterium of duckweed (Lemna minor). Genome Announcement, 5 (33) e00812-17 (2017)
- Yamamoto N., Kuroda M., and Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Pseudonocardia sp. Strain N23, a 1,4-dioxane-degrading bacterium. Genome Announcements 5 (44), e01240-17 (2017)
- Kuroda M., Ogata Y., Yahara T., Yokoyama T., Ishizawa H., Takada K., InoueD., Sei K., and Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Sphingobium fulginis OMI, a bacterium that degrades alkylphenols and bisphenols. Genome Announcement, 5 (47) e01323-17 (2017)
- Ghaju Shrestha R., Tanaka Y., Malla B., Bhandari D., Tandukar S., Inoue D., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Next-generation sequencing identification of pathogenic bacterial genes and its relationship with fecal indicator bacteria in different water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Science of the Total Environment 601-602, 278-284 (2017)
- Takada K., Hashimoto K., Soda S., Ike M., Makio T., Nakayama Y., Miyamoto H., Yamashita K., and Hashimoto T.: Microbial communities on the submerged membranes in full-scale membrane bioreactors treating municipal wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144 (1): 04017084 (2018)
- Yamamura S., Sudo T., Watanabe M., Thuboi S., Soda S., Ike M., and Amachi S.: Effect of extracellular electron shuttles on arsenic-mobilizing activities in soil microbial communities. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 342, 571-578 (2018)
- Soda S., Ma W., Kuroda M., Nishikawa H., Zhang Y., and Ike M.: Characterization of moderately halotolerant selenate- and tellurite-reducing bacteria isolated from brackish areas in Osaka. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 82 (1): 173-181 (2018)
- Takada K., Shiba T., Soda S., Inoue D., Miyake M., Eguchi M., and Ike M.: Bioaugmentating a lab-scale membrane bioreactor with 4-tert-butylphenol-degrading bacterium, Sphingobium fulginis OMI. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 54 (1), 1-12 (2018)
- Inoue D., Sawada K., Tsutsui H., and Fujiwara T.: Identification of microbial populations contributing to nitrification-associated nitrous oxide emission during cattle manure composting process with forced aeration. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20 (1), 353-360 (2018)
- 山本哲司, 井上大介, 黒田真史, 瀧寛則, 清和成, 斎藤祐二, 池道彦: 1,4-ジオキサン分解菌 Pseudonocardia sp. N23を用いた化成品製造工業排水処理システムの開発. 用水と廃水, 60 (2), 139-150 (2018)
- Inoue D., Suzuki Y., Sawada K., and Sei K.: Polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation ability and associated microbial community in activated sludge-derived acetate-fed microbial cultures enriched under different temperature and pH conditions. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 125 (3), 339-345 (2018)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Effects of bacterial community formed in the root zone on the biomass production of duckweed, Lemna minor. International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) 2017 (2017.7.17-21, Sand Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore) (2017)
- Kuroda M., Sakurai S., and Ike M.: Transcriptome profiles of Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I in response to selenate, selenite, and elemental selenium. International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) 2017 (2017.7.17-21, Sand Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore) (2017)
- Ghaju Shrestha R., Sawada K., Inoue D., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Tanaka Y., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Identification of pathogenic bacteria in fecal samples using DNA microarray analysis. Program and Abstracts, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2017 (WET2017), p. 52 (2017.7.22-23, Hokkaido, Japan (Hokkaido University)) (2017)
- Inoue D., Otsuru T., and Sei K.: Polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation abilities of Thauera and Zoogloea strains. Program and Abstracts, Water and Evironment Technology Conference 2017 (WET2017), p. 58 (2017.7.22-23, Hokkaido, Japan (Hokkaido, University)) (2017)
- Malla B., Ghaju Shrestha R., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Inoue D., Sei K., Tanaka Y., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Microbial source tracking of alternative drinking water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays. Program and Abstracts, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2017 (WET2017), p. 78 (2017.7.22-23, Hokkaido, Japan (Hokkaido University)) (2017)
- Inoue D., Sakai K., Miyake S., Soda S., and Ike M.: Effect of length of feast period on PHB accumulation ability of activated sludge in acetate-fed SBR. Proceedings of the 2nd international Resource Recovery Conference, pp. 39-41 (2017.8.5-9, New York, USA (Columbia University)) (2017)
- Takada K., Shiba T., Soda S., Ike M., Miyake M., and Eguchi M.: Bioaugmentation with sphingobium fuliginis OMI in a lab-scale membrane bioreactor for 4-tert-butylphenol degradation. 7th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2017, S5, (2017.9.11-14, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre))
- Pang J., Yamato M., Soda S., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Nitrogen-cycling functional genes in brackish and freshwater sediments in Yodo River in Japan. 7th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2017, S3 (2017.9.11-14 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre))
- Kuroda M., Fukugasako K., Nakazawa M., Hisada K., Yamamoto N., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Development of bioreactor using Pseudonocardia sp. D17 for treatment of wastewater containing 1,4-dioxane. Conference program, International symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances 2017 (ISPTS2017) (2017.9.24-28, Nagoya, Japan (Nagoya University)) (2017)
- Maeda M., Kiba H., Hyodo F., Chikamori H., and Inoue D.: Analysis of nitorogen contamination mechanism of groundwater in coastal areas of Central Vietnam by using stable isotopes. Proceedings of the International Conference of Nitrogen Cycling and its Environmental Impacts in East Asia (NCEIEA), pp. 93-94 (2017.10.19-22, Nanjing, China (Holiday Inn Nanjing Xuanwu Lake) (2017)
- Ghaju Shrestha R., Tanaka Y., Malla B., Tandukar S., Bhandari D., Inoue D., Sei K., Sherchand J.B., and Haramoto E.: Quantitative PCR detection of 16S rRNA and ciaB genes of Arcobacter spp. in human and animal fecal source samples in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Extended Abstracts of the 5th International Young Researchers Workshop on River Basin Environment and Management, p. 81 (2017.10.27-28, Kuantan, Malaysia (Hotel Swiss Garden Resort)) (2017)
- Inoue D., Sawada K., Huy N.D., Chikamori H., and Maeda M.: Nitrification potential and relevant microbial populations in agricultural soil in coastal areas of Central Vietnam. Proceedings of Okayama University – Hue University Joint Symposium on Education and Research Programs for Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, pp. 14-15 (2017.11.5-6, Hue, Vietnam (The Hue Learning Resource center, Hue University)) (2017)
- Inoue D., Tsunoda T., Yamamoto N., Ike M., and Sei K.: 1,4-Dioxane degradation characteristics of Rhodococcus aetherivorans JCM 14343. Abstract book of CESE2017, the 10th Annual Conference of the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, p. 20 (2017.11.11-15, Kunming, People’s Republic of China) (2017)
- Ike M., Kuroda M., Toyama T., and Mori K.: Enhanced nutrient removal by and biomass production of duckweed in aquatic plant system using plant growth-promoting bacteria. 2017 International Environmental Engineering Conference (IEEC 2017) (2017.11.15-17, Jeju, Korea (International Convention Center Jeju)) (2017)
- 黒田真史:ジオキサン日本の水環境史から考える水環境研究のフューチャーデザイン, 日本水環境学会誌, 40(4), 130-133 (2017)
- 惣田訓, 池道彦:(論説) エネルギー・資源回収型の下水処理場の将来ビジョン, 環境技術, 46(5), 272-277 (2017)
- 池道彦, 黒田真史:固定化分解菌を用いた1,4-ジオキサンの分解処理, 用水と廃水, 59(7), 542-547 (2017)
- 井上大介:Pseudonocardia属 : 知名度は低いが意外に有用な微生物, 生物工学会誌, 95(9), 547 (2017)
- 藤原拓, 永禮英明, 山田正人, 和木美代子, 前田守弘, 日髙平, 今井剛, 井原一高, 井上大介:農産業に関わる水・バイオマス循環利用に関する最新研究動向, 水環境学会誌, 40(A)(12), 416-423 (2017)
- 池道彦, 井上大介, 黒田真史, 山本哲史:1,4-ジオキサン汚染地下水の生物浄化技術, 科学と工業, 92(3), 57-64 (2018)
- Fujiwara H., Soda S., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Kinetics of bisphenol A degradation by Sphingomonas paucimobilis FJ-4, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 122(3), 341-344 (2016)
- Hara K., Kuroda M., Yabar H., Kimura M., and Uwasu M. Historical development of wastewater and sewage sludge treatment technologies in Japan ? an analysis of patent data from the past 50 years, Environmental Development, 19: 59-69 (2016)
- Hashimoto K., Tsutsui H., Takada K., Hamada H., Sakai K., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S., Yamashita K., Tsuji K., Hashimoto T., and Ike M.: Changes in bacterial community structure in a full-scale membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 122(1), 97-104 (2016)
- Inoue D., Sawada K., Sei K., and Ike M.: Detection of retinoic acid receptor antagonist contamination in the aquatic environment of the Kinki region of Japan, Water Research, 103, 58-65 (2016)
- Inoue D., Tsunoda T., Sawada K., Yamamoto N., Saito Y., Sei K., and Ike M.: 1,4-Dioxane degradation potential of members of the genera Pseudonocardia and Rhodococcus, Biodegradation, 27(4), 277-286 (2016)
- Isaka K., Udagawa M., Kimura Y., Sei K. and Ike M.: Biological 1,4-dioxane wastewater treatment by immobilized Pseudonocardia sp. D17 on lower 1,4-dioxane concentration. Journal of Water and Environmental Technology, 14 (4): 289-301. (2016)
- Kishita Y., Ohishi Y., Uwasu M., Kuroda M., Takeda H., and Hara, K.: Evaluating the life cycle CO2 emissions and costs of thermoelectric generators for passenger automobiles: a scenario analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 126, 607-619. (2016)
- Liyanage B.C., Tateda M., Maeda M., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Nitrate movement, transformation, and accumulation following diverse nitrogenous fertilizer regimes in arable soils, Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 8(4), 1-17 (2016)
- Pang J., Matsuda M., Kuroda M., Inoue D., Sei K., Nishida K., and Ike M.: Characterization of the genes involved in nitrogen cycling in wastewater treatment plants using DNA microarray and most probable number-PCR, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10: 7 (2016)
- Park G., Teshima N., Nakayama Y., Takekawa M., Soda S., Ike M., Isaka K., and Furukawa K.: Startup of lab-scale anammox reactors seeded with activated sludge at ambient temperature, Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 52(3), 73-83 (2016)
- Soda S., Iwama K., Yokoe K., Okada Y., and Ike M.: High methane production potential of activated sludge accumulating polyhydroxyalkanoates in anaerobic digestion, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 114: 283-287 (2016)
- 惣田 訓,岡正雄,阿丹,池 道彦,石垣智基:人工湿地による埋立地浸出水処理のためのラボスケール実験系の構築,用水と廃水,58(5), 373-384 (2016)
- A D., Fujii D., Soda S., , Machimura T., and Ike M.: Removal of phenol, bisphenol A, and 4-tert-butylphenol from synthetic landfill leachate by vertical flow constructed wetlands, Science of the Total Environment, 578: 566-576 (2017)
- Ishizawa H., Kuroda M., Morikawa M., and Ike M.: Evaluation of environmental bacterial communities as a factor affecting the growth of duckweed Lemna minor, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10: 62 (2017)
- A, D., Fujii, D., Soda, S., Machimura, T., and Ike, M. (2016) Constructed wetlands for treatment of phenolic chemicals in landfill leachate: A lab-scale study. The 2016 5th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB 2016) (May 23-25, 2016, Jeju Island, Korea)
- Nittami, T., Shoji, T., Speirs, L., Noguchi, M., Oshiki, M., Kuroda M., Kindaichi, T., Fukuda, J., Kurisu, F., Seviour, R. Identification and quantification of Chloroflexi Eikelboom type 1851 filamentous bacteria associated with sludge settleability in municipal wastewater treatment plants in Japan, 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME16), 65 (Aug 21-26, 2016, Montreal, Canada)
- Yoneda Y, Makino A, Tanaka Y, Toyama T, Mori K, Ike M, Morikawa M, Kamagata Y, Tamaki H. Isolation and characterization of novel PGPB strains first belonging to the rarely cultivated phylum Acidobacteria, 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME16), 76-77 (Aug 21-26, 2016, Montreal, Canada)
- Ike M., Nakatani Y., Kuroda M., Zhang Y., and Soda, S.:Treatment of selenite-containing wastewater with high salinity by the activated sludge process, Proceedings of The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016, 11-20 (Oct 9-14, 2016, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
- Takada K., Hashimoto K., Soda S., Ike M., Makio T., Nakayama Y., Miyamoto H., Yamashita K., and Hashimoto T.:Microbial communities on the submerged membranes in full-scale membrane bioreactors treating municipal wastewater, Proceedings of The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016, 11-20 (Oct 9-14, 2016, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
- Soda S., Fujii Y., Ike M., and Sakurai Y.:Recovery of precious and minor metals from sludge in a hydroponic constructed wetland treating metal-processing wastewater, Proceedings of The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016, 11-20 (Oct 9-14, 2016, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
- 池 道彦:産業と行政 1,4-ジオキサン汚染地下水の生物浄化技術の開発,バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 74(4): 351-354 (2016)
- 原 圭史郎 , 池 道彦:技術シーズとビジョンをつなぐメゾ領域研究の方法論と実践,環境技術, 45(10): 508-514 (2016)
- 池 道彦,惣田 訓,黒田真史:セレン代謝微生物を利用したセレン含有排水処理技術の開発,環境バイオテクノロジー学会誌,15(2): 72-75 (2016)
- 池 道彦:微生物によるバイオレメディエーション利用指針』:バイオオーグメンテーションのハードル?,環境技術,46(2): 60-64 (2017)
- 遠山忠,森一博,池 道彦,森川正章:汚水を利用したウキクサバイオマス生産とバイオリファイナリーへの応用,バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,74(3): 203-207. (2016)
- 惣田 訓:下水汚泥の資源・エネルギー化,環境技術, 45(8): 393-394. (2016)
- 黒田真史:細菌のセレン代謝を利用した半導体ナノ粒子の合成,生産と技術, 69(1): 66-68 (2017)
- Ayano H., KUroda M., and Ike M.: Effects of culture conditions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain RB on the synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 119(4), 440-445 (2015)
- 尾形 有香, 合田 昌平, 遠山 忠., 清 和成., 池 道彦: Sphingobium fuliginis OMI 株によるビスフェノール S の分解経路および活性汚泥による分解生成物の除去特性, 水環境学会誌, 38(5), 139-147 (2015)
- 高井 雄一郎., 河野 弘樹., 立田 真文., 惣田 訓., 池 道彦: ミジンコウキクサ Wolffia arrhiza の生長と休眠芽の形成に及ぼす有機物添加の影響, 日本水処理生物学会誌, 51(2), 29-35 (2015)
- Soda S., Hasegawa A., Kuroda M., Harada A., Yamashita M., and Ike M.: Selenium recovery from kiln power of cement manufacturing by chemical leaching and bioreduction, Water Science and Technology, 72(8), 1294-1300 (2015)
- Soda S., Ohchi T., Piradee J., Takai Y., and Ike M.: Duckweed biomass as a renewable biorefinery feedstock: Ethanol and succinate production from Wolffia globosa, Biomass and Bioenergy, 81, 364-368 (2015)
- Bi Z., Takekawa M., Park G., Soda S., Zhou J.T., Qiao S., and Ike M.: Effects of the C/N ratio and bacterial populations on nitrogen removal in the simultaneous anammox and heterotrophic denitrification process: Mathematic modeling and batch experiments, Chemical Engineering Journal, 280(15), 606-613 (2015)
- 井坂 和一, 宇田川 万規子, 木村 裕哉, 清 和成, 池 道彦: 1,4-ジオキサン分解菌 Pseudonocardia sp. D17 株の包括固定化における菌体濃度および保存が固定化菌体の処理性能に及ぼす影響, 日本水処理生物学会誌, 51(4), 83-93 (2015)
- Isaka K., Udagawa M., Kimura Y., Sei K., and Ike M.: Biological wastewater treatment of 1,4-dioxane using polyethylene glycol gel carriers entrapping Afipia sp. D1, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 121(2), 203-208 (2016)
- Toyama T., Nishimura Y., Ogata Y., Sei K., Mori K., and Ike M.: Effects of planting Phragmites australis on nitrogen removal, microbial nitrogen cycling, and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing and denitrifying microorganisms in sediments, Environmental Technology, 37(4), 478-485 (2016)
- Nhi-Cong L.T., Mai C.T.N., Minh N.N., Ha H.P., Lien D.T., Tuan D.V., Quyen D.V., Ike M., and Uyen D.T.T.: Degradation of sec-hexylbenzene and its metabolites by a biofilm-forming yeast Trichosporon asahii B1 isolated from oil-contaminated sediments in Quangninh coastal zone, Vietnam, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 51(3), 267-275 (2016)
- Isaka K., Udagawa M., Sei K., and Ike M.: Pilot test of biological removal of 1,4-dioxane from a chemical factory wastewater by gel carrier entrapping Afipia sp. strain D1, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304, 251-258 (2016)
- 惣田 訓, 橋本 くるみ, 高田 一輝, 池 道彦, 野引 政芳, 笹野 浩: 酸素活性汚泥法の微生物群集構造の解析-標準活性汚泥法と膜分離活性汚泥法との比較-, 下水道協会誌, 53(640), 138-144 (2016)
- Takada K., Hashimoto K., Soda S., Ike M., Yamashita K., and Hashimoto T.: Characterization of microbial community in membrane bioreactors treating domestic wastewater, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 12(2), 99-107 (2014)
- Ayano H., Miyake M., Terasawa K., Kuroda M., Soda S., Sakaguchi T., and Ike M.: Isolation of a selenite-reduction and cadmium-resistant bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain RB for microbial synthesis of CdSe nanoparticles, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 117(5), 576-581 (2014)
- Ayano H., KUroda M., Soda S., and Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain RB, a bacterium capable of synthesizing cadmium selenide nanoparticles, Genome Announcements, 2(3), e00368-14 (2014)
- 武川 将士, 中川 優樹, 高井 啓司, 惣田 訓, 池 道彦 : 従属栄養脱窒と Anammox を組み合わせた窒素除去プロセスの可能性 -回分試験による検討- , 環境技術, 43(5), 293-300 (2014)
- Hashimoto K., Matsuda M., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Bacterial community dynamics in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant employing conventional activated sludge process, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengneering, 118(1), 64-74 (2014)
- Inoue D., Pang J., Matsuda M., Sei K., and Ike M.: Development of a whole community genome amplification-assisted DNA microarray method to detect functional genes involved in the nitrogen cycle, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 30(11), 2907-2915 (2014)
- Takai Y., Mishima D., Kuniki M., Sei S., Soda S., and Ike M.: Ethanol production from vegetative fronds and turions of Wolffia arrhiza, Japanese Journal Water Treatment Biotechnology, 50(4), 133-140 (2014)
- Takekawa M., Park G., Soda S., and Ike M.: Simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process in sequencing batch reactors, Bioresource Technology, 174,159-166 (2014)
- 惣田 訓, 舟橋 彌典, 森本 成樹, 大槻 宗司, 堀出 文男, 橋本 卓典, 池 道彦, 山下 学, 東 利保, 西嶋 茂宏: 空気揚土攪拌式洗浄装置を用いた放射性セシウム汚染土壌の減容化:飯舘村と川内村における実証試験, 環境技術, 43(12), 729-738 (2014)
- Sakai K., Miyake S., Iwama K., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) accumulation potential and PHA-accumulating microbial communities in various activated sludge process of municipal wastewater treatment plants, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 118(1), 255-266 (2015)
- Inoue D., Hinoura T., Suzuki N., Pang L., Malla R., Shrestha S., Chapagain S. K., Matsuzawa H., Nakamura T., Tanaka Y., Ike M., Nishida K., and Sei K.: High-throughput DNA microarray detection of pathogenic bacteria in shallow well groundwater in the Kathmaudu Valley, Nepal, Current Microbiology, 70(1), 43-50 (2015)
- Kuroda M., Ayano H., Sei K., Yamashita M., and Ike M.: Draft genome sequence of Bacillus selenatarsenatis SF-1, a promising agent for bioremediation of environments contaminated with selenium and arsenic, Genome Announcements, 3(1), e014466-14 (2015)
- Gyobu T., Inoue D., Soda S., and Ike M.: Energy content of organics in municipal wastewater treatment streams at Tsumori wastewwater treatment plant, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 13(1), 89-97 (2015)
- Ogata Y., Toyama T., Yu N., Wang X., Sei K., and Ike M.: Occurrence of 4-tert-butylphenol(4-t-BP) biodegradation in an aquatic sample caused by the presence of Spirodela polyrrhiza and isolation of a 4-t-BP-utilizing bacterium, Biodegradation, 24(2), 191-202(2013)
- Soda S., Mishima D., and Ike M.: A co-beneficial system using aquatic plants: bioethanol production from free-floating aquatic plants used for water purification, Water Science and Technology, 67(11), 2637-2644(2013)
- Tsutsui H., Anami Y., Matsuda M., Hashimoto K., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S., and Ike M.: Plasmid-mediated bioaugmentation of sequencing batch reactors for enrichment of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid removal in wastewater using plasmid pJP4, biodegradation, 24(3), 343-352(2013)
- Inoue D., Sawada K., Wada y., Sei K., and Ike M.: REmoval characteristics of retinoic acids and and 4-oxo-retinoic acids in wastewater by activated sludge treatment, Water Science and Technology, 67(12), 2868-2874(2013)
- Soda S., Kawahata Y., Takai Y., Mishima D., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Kinetics of nutrient removal and biomass production by duckweed Wolffia arrhiza in continuous-flow mescosms, Ecological Engineering, 57, 210-215(2013)
- 惣田 訓, 井上 大介, 清 和成, 池 道彦, 藤田 正憲, 岡村 和夫:石油汚染土壌の浄化過程における微生物群集の炭素源資化能の変化, 環境技術, 42(8), 479-488(2013)
- Sei K., Miyagaki K., Kakinoki T., Fukugasako K., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Isolation and characterization of bacterial strains that have high ability to degrade 1,4-dioxane as a sole carbon and energy source, Biodegradation, 24(5), 655-674(2013)
- Tkekawa M., Ohta S., Yoshida D., Sato T., Kneshiro K., Soda S., Ike M., and Furukawa K.: Effects of operational conditions on treatment performances of single-stage nitrogen removal using anammox and partial nitritation (SNAP) process, Japanese Journal Water Treatment Biology, 49(4), 133-142(2013)
- Kimura K., Inoue T., Kato D., Negoro S., Ike M., and Takeo M.: Distribution of chitin/chitosan-like bioflocculant-producing potential in the genus Citrobacter, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97(21), 9569-9577(2013)
- 惣田 訓, 長谷川 愛, 池 道彦, 藤平 弘樹, 藤川 宗治:化学溶出と微生物還元による下水汚泥焼却灰中のセレンの除去, 環境技術, 43(2), 96-101(2013)
- 橋本くるみ,井上大介,惣田 訓,池 道彦: 活性汚泥内の抗生物質耐性細菌および重金属耐性細菌の保有するプラスミドの特徴づけ, 下水道協会誌論文集, 49,104–111 (2012)
- Inoue D., Yamazaki Y., Tsutsui H., Sei K., Soda S., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Impacts of gene bioaugmentation with pJP4-harboring bacteria of 2,4-D-contaminated soil slurry on the indigenous microbial community, Biodegradation, 23(2), 263–276 (2012)
- Soda S., Takahashi H., Kagami T., Miyake M., Notaguchi E., Sei K., Iwasaki N. and Ike M.: Biotreatment of selenium refinery wastewater using pilot-scale granular sludge and swim-bed bioreactors augmented with a selenium-reducing bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., 48 (2), 63–71 (2012)
- 高井雄一郎,惣田 訓,森 一博,川畑祐介,河合健太郎,池 道彦: ミジンコウキクサの増殖と休眠芽の形成に及ぼす環境要因, 用水と廃水, 54, 613–621 (2012)
- Nguyen N.S., Soda S., Ishigaki T. and Ike M.: Microorganisms in landfill bioreactors for accelerated stabilization of solid wastes, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 114 (3), 243–250 (2012) review.
- Nguyen A.L., Sato A., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S. and Ike M.: Enrichment of arsenite oxidizing bacteria under autotrophic conditions and the isolation and characterization of facultative chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizing bacteria for removal of arsenic from groundwater, Water Sci. Technol. Water Supply, 12 (5), 707–714 (2012)
- 惣田 訓,穴見泰崇,筒井裕文,橋本くるみ,松田真佐美,井上大介,清 和成,池 道彦: ジーン バイオオーグメンテーションによる活性汚泥リアクターの2,4-ジクロロフェノキシ酢酸の除去能の向上, 土木学会論文集G (環境), 68, III369–III377 (2012)
- Nguyen A.L., Sato A., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S. and Ike M.: Bacterial community succession during the enrichment of chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizing bacteria at high arsenic concentrations, J. Environ. Sci., 24 (12), 2133–2140 (2012)
- Kagami T., Fudemoto A., Fujimoto N., Notaguchi E., Kanzaaki M., Kuroda M., Soda S., Yamashita M. and Ike M.: Isolation and characterization of bacteria capable of reducing tellurium oxyanions to insoluble elemental tellurium for tellurium recovery from wastewater, Waste Biomass Valor., 3, 409–418 (2012)
- Nguyen A.L., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S. and Ike M.: Arsenic adsorption characteristics of biogenic iron oxides in comparison to chemogenic iron oxides, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., 48 (4), 145–156 (2012)
- Ogata Y., Goda S., Toyama T., Sei K. and Ike M.: The 4-tert-butylphenol-utilizing bacterium Sphingobium fuliginis OMI can degrade bisphenols via phenolic ring hydroxylation and meta-cleavage pathway, Environ. Sci. Technol., 47, 1017–1023 (2013)
- Sei K., Oyama M., Kakinoki T., Inoue D. and Ike M.: Isolation and characterization of tetrahydrofuran-degrading bacteria for 1,4-dioxane-containing wastewater treatment by co-metabolic degradation, J. Water Environ. Technol., 11 (1), 11–19 (2013)
- Kagami T., Narita T., Kuroda M., Notaguchi E., Yamashita M., Kanzaki M., Soda S. and Ike M.: Effective selenium volatilization under aerobic conditions and recovery from the aqueous phase by Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I, Water Res., 47, 1361–1368 (2013)
- Soda S., Arai T., Inoue D., Ishigaki T., Ike M. and Yamada M.: Statistical analysis of global warming potential, eutrophication potential, and sludge production of wastewater treatment in Japan, J. Sustain. Energy Environ., 4 (1), 33–40 (2013)
- 澤田和子、井上大介、清 和成、池 道彦: 都市下水処理場におけるレチノイン酸類および4-oxo-レチノイン酸類の挙動の解析, 水環境学会誌, 36(3), 57–65 (2013)
- 池 道彦 (分担):日本の環境研究室百選:環境を守りたい君のキャリアパス (環境科学会編):生物の力を利用した環境保全・修復および資源・エネルギーの持続的利用技術の開発, 160–161, 社団法人環境科学会 (東京都) (2012.10)
- 池 道彦 (分担):ひらく、ひらく「バイオの世界」 14歳からの生物工学入門(日本生物工学会編):Part 4 バイオテクノロジーが拓く世界 Q.60 金属が大好きな微生物がいるの?, 126–127, 株式会社化学同人 (京都市), ISBN 978-4759815382 (2012.10.30)
- 惣田 訓(分担):ひらく、ひらく「バイオの世界」 14歳からの生物工学入門 (日本生物工学会編):Part 2 身近にあるバイオテクノロジー Q.28川や海がきれいなのは微生物のおかげなの?, 58–59, 株式会社化学同人 (京都市), ISBN 978-4759815382 (2012.10.30)
- 池 道彦, 山下光雄, 黒田真史: メタルバイオ技術による排水からのレアメタル回収の可能性, 環境バイオテクノロジー学会誌,12, 3–8 (2012)
- 惣田 訓: 低炭素社会に向けた静脈系都市インフラの評価指標とそのイノベーション技術, サステナ, 27, 63–72 (2012)
- 惣田 訓,岡 正雄,藤井雄太: ベトナムホーチミン市の廃棄物埋立処分場の浸出水の処理状況, 環境技術, 42, 108–111 (2013)
- Inoue D., Nakama K., Sawada K., Watanabe T., Matsui H., Sei K., Nakanishi T., and Ike M.: Screening of agonistic activities against four nuclear receptors in wastewater treatment plants in Japan using a yeast two-hybrid assay, J. Environ. Sci. Vol. 23, No. 1, 125–132 (2011) <Link>
- Soda S., Wada K., Okuda M., and Ike M.: Application of modified ADM1 to long-term experiments for methane/hydrogen production from model organic waste, Water Practice Tech., 6(1), doi:10.2166/WPT.2011.009 (2011)
- Kuroda M., Yamashita M., Miwa M., Imao K., Fujimoto N., Ono H., Nagano K., Sei K., and Ike M.: Molecular cloning and characterization of the srdBCA operon, encoding the respiratory selenate reductase complex, from the selenate-reducing bacterium Bacillus selenatarsenatis SF-1, J. Bacteriol., 193(9), 2141–2148 (2011)
- Kuroda M., Notaguchi M., Sato A., Yoshioka M., Hasegawa A., Kagami T., Narita T., Yamashita M., Sei K., Soda S., and Ike M.: Characterization of Pseudomonasstutzeri NT-I capable of removing soluble selenium from the aqueous phase under aerobic conditions, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 112(3), 259–264 (2011)
- Soda S., Kashiwa M., Kagami T., Kuroda M., Yamashita M., and Ike M.: Laboratory-scale bioreactors for soluble selenium removal from selenium refinery wastewater using anaerobic sludge, Desalination, 279(1-3), 433–438 (2011)
- Toyama T., Murashita M., Kobayashi K., Kikuchi S., Sei K., Tanaka Y., Ike M., and Mori K.: Acceleration of nonylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol degradation in sediment by Phragmites australis and associated rhizosphere bacteria, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45 (15), 6524–6530 (2011)
- Soda S., Hamada T., Yamaoka Y., Ike M., Nakazato H., Saeki Y., Kasamatsu T., and Sakurai, Y.: Constructed wetlands for advanced treatment of wastewater with a complex matrix from a metal-processing plant: Bioconcentration and translocation factors of various metals in Acorus gramineus and Cyperus alternifolius, Ecol. Eng., 39, 63–70 (2012)
- Sawada K., Inoue D., Wada Y., Sei K., Nakanishi T., and Ike M.: Detection of retinoic acid receptor agonistic activity and identification of causative compounds in municipal wastewater treatment plants in Japan, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31(2), 307–315 (2012)
- Tanaka Y., Nishida K., Nakamura T., Chapagain S. K., Inoue D., Sei K., Mori K., Sakamoto Y., and Kazama F.: Characterization of microbial communities distributed in the groundwater pumped from deep tube wells in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, Journal of Water and Health, 10(1) , 170-180 (2012)
- 池 道彦(分担):はじめての環境デザイン学(澤木昌典編著、矢吹信喜、福田知弘、池 道彦、下田吉之、惣田 訓、松村暢彦、柴田 祐、青野正二、上甫木昭春、久 隆浩、吉村英祐、宮崎ひろ志著):第12章 水利用・再生循環システム、135–145、理工図書(東京都千代田区)、ISBN 978-4-8446-0776-2(2011.5.28)
- 惣田 訓(分担):はじめての環境デザイン学(澤木昌典編著、矢吹信喜、福田知弘、池 道彦、下田吉之、惣田 訓、松村暢彦、柴田 祐、青野正二、上甫木昭春、久 隆浩、吉村英祐、宮崎ひろ志著):第13章 廃棄物の回収・処理・循環システムのデザイン、146–161、理工図書(東京都千代田区)、ISBN 978-4-8446-0776-2(2011.5.28)
- 池 道彦・平田收正(監修):植物機能のポテンシャルを活かした環境保全・浄化技術―地球を救う超環境適合・自然調和型システム―、シーエムシー出版 (東京都千代田区)ISBN978-4-7813-0481-6(2011.10.31)
- 池 道彦(分担):植物機能のポテンシャルを活かした環境保全・浄化技術―地球を救う超環境適合・自然調和型システム―(池 道彦・平田收正)、はじめに- 環境保全・浄化装置としての植物-、第4章 根圏における植物―微生物の相互作用と環境技術への展開 1 ウキクサ根圏における多様な化学物質分解菌の集積と活性化(清 和成、池 道彦、pp.151–159)、第5章 植物による環境浄化と資源生産のCo-benefit実現を目指して 1 水生植物による水質浄化とバイオエタノール生産のCo-benefit(池 道彦、井上大介、pp.213–221)、シーエムシー出版 (東京都千代田区)ISBN978-4-7813-0481-6(2011.10.31)
- 池 道彦、井上大介(分担・共著):植物機能のポテンシャルを活かした環境保全・浄化技術―地球を救う超環境適合・自然調和型システム―(池 道彦・平田收正)、第5章 植物による環境浄化と資源生産のCo-benefit実現を目指して 1 水生植物による水質浄化とバイオエタノール生産のCo-benefit(池 道彦、井上大介、pp.213–221)、シーエムシー出版 (東京都千代田区)ISBN978-4-7813-0481-6(2011.10.31)
- 惣田 訓(分担):植物機能のポテンシャルを活かした環境保全・浄化技術―地球を救う超環境適合・自然調和型システム―(池 道彦・平田收正)、第1章 植物を利用した排水処理・汚染水域浄化 2 ビオパレット:植物による金属加工廃水の仕上げ処理(櫻井康祐、惣田 訓、pp. 10–20)、第5章 植物による環境浄化と資源生産のCo-benefit実現を目指して 3 ミジンコウキクサによる水質浄化とデンプン生産(森 一博、惣田 訓、pp. 231–238)、シーエムシー出版 (東京都千代田区)ISBN978-4-7813-0481-6(2011.10.31)
- Michihiko Ike, Mitsuo Yamashita, and Satoshi Soda (ed.): Handbook of Metal Biotechnology: Applications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainability. Pan Stanford Publishing (Eight Temasek Boulevard, Singapore) ISBN978-981-4267-98-4 (2011.9.30)
- Michihiko Ike and Satoshi Soda: Handbook of Metal Biotechnology: Applications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainability. (Michihiko Ike, Mitsuo Yamashita, and Satoshi Soda) Chapter 3. Removal of selenium from wastewater using a selenium-reducing bacterium. 27–37. Pan Stanford Publishing (Eight Temasek Boulevard, Singapore) ISBN978-981-4267-98-4 (2011.9.30)
- Kazunari Sei: Handbook of Metal Biotechnology: Applications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainability. (Michihiko Ike, Mitsuo Yamashita, and Satoshi Soda) Chapter 6. Phytoremediation of cadmium contaminated soil: acceleration of phytoremediation by combination use of chelating agents. 61–71. Pan Stanford Publishing (Eight Temasek Boulevard, Singapore) ISBN978-981-4267-98-4 (2011.9.30)
- 池 道彦(分担):実用 水の処理・活用大辞典(実用 水の処理・活用大辞典編集委員会)、第17章 近未来技術 4 資源回収 1 バイオ技術による排水からのレアメタル回収、524–528、産業調査会辞典出版センター(東京都港区)、ISBN978-4-88282-579-1 (2011.10.1)
- 清 和成、池 道彦:1,4-ジオキサン分解菌を用いた汚染地下水の生物処理・浄化の可能性、用水と廃水、53(7)、555–560(2011)
- 池 道彦:水生植物による水質浄化とバイオマスの有効利用、季刊誌 生産と技術、-Vol.63, 別冊-(2011年 震災特集)、47–53(2011)
- 池 道彦:第二の都市鉱山採掘を可能とするメタルバイオテクノロジー、三洋化成ニュース(2011夏号)、No.467、14–18(2011)
- 池 道彦、清 和成、井上 大介:中国での下水再利用に伴うレチノイン酸受容体アゴニストのリスク (特集 アジア・オセアニアにおける水資源問題) 、環境技術、40(9), 537–542 (2011)
- 池 道彦:生物工学基礎講座 バイオよもやま話 微生物培養系としての生物学的排水処理プロセス、生物工学会誌、89(11)、683–685(2011)
- 池 道彦:各種下水処理方式におけるエネルギー収支および温室効果ガス排出量の比較評価、国土交通省水管理・国土保全局下水道部「エネルギー自立型下水処理場に向けた新たな下水道システムの検討調査業務」報告書、6–14(2012)
- 井上大介:NDM-1産生多剤耐性菌、日本薬学会 環境・衛生部会 Webページ、環境・衛生薬学トピックス、URL: http://bukai.pharm.or.jp/bukai_kanei/Topics/Topics24.html (2011)
- Tsutsui H., Anami Y., Matsuda M., Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S., and Ike M.: Transfer of plasmid pJP4 fromEscherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida to bacteria in activated sludge developed under different sludge retention times, J. Biosci. Bioeng. Vol. 110, No. 6, 684–689 (2010) <Link>
- Toyama T., Momotani N., Ogata Y., Miyamori Y., Inoue D., Sei K., Mori K., Kikuchi S., and Ike M.: Isolation and characterization of 4-tert-butylphenol-utilizing Sphingobium fuliginis strains from Phragmites australis rhizosphere sediment, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 76, No. 20, 6733–6740 (2010) <Link>
- 井上大介, 野本直樹, 清和成, 惣田訓, 池道彦 : 海水中におけるビスフェノールAおよびビスフェノールFの生分解ポテンシャルの評価, 水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 46, No. 3, 137-144 (2010)
- Inoue D., Sei K., and Ike M.: Disruption of retinoic acid receptor signaling by environmental pollutants, J. Health Sci., Vol. 56, No. 3, 221-230 (2010) <Link>
- Matsuda M., Inoue D., Anami Y., Tsutsui H., Sei K., Soda S., and Ike M.: Comparative analysis of DNA-based microbial community composition and substrate utilization patterns of activated sludge microorganisms from wastewater treatment plants operated under different conditions, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 61, No. 11, 2843-2851 (2010) <Link>
- Inoue D., Nakama K., Sawada K., Watanabe T., Takagi M., Sei K., Yang M., Hirotsuji J., Hu J., Nishikawa J., Nakanishi T., and Ike M.: Contamination with retinoic acid receptor agonists in two river basin in the Kinki district of Japan, Water Res., Vol. 44, No. 8, 2409-2418 (2010) <Link>
- Hoang H., Yu N., Toyama T., Inoue D., Sei K., and Ike M.: Accelerated degradation of a variety of aromatic compounds by Spirodela polyrrhiza-bacterial associations and contribution of root exudates released from S. polyrrhiza, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 4, 494-499 (2010) <Link>
- Sei K., Kakinoki T., Inoue D., Soda S., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Evaluation of biodegradation potential of 1,4-dioxane by river, soil and activated sludge samples, Biodegradation, Vol. 21, No. 4, 585-591 (2010) <Link>
- Ike M., Inoue D., Miyano T., Liu T. T., Sei K., Soda S., and Kadoshin S.: Microbial population dynamics during startup of a full-scale anaerobic digester treating industrial food waste in Kyoto eco-energy project, Bioresour. Technol., Vol. 101, No. 11, 3952-3957 (2010) <Link>
- Soda S., Iwai Y., Sei K., Shimoda Y., and Ike M.: Model analysis of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of sewage sludge treatment systems with different processes and scales, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 61, No. 2, 365-373 (2010) <Link>
- Tsutsui H., Soda S., Takeda S., Ohtsuki H., Inoue D., Sei K., and Ike M.: Transfer plasmid pJP4 fromEscherichia coli to activated sludge bacteria by filter mating, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 45, No. 4, 185-191 (2009)
- 惣田訓, 清和成, 日置賢, 宇野晋, 池道彦.: 合成下水を基質とした微生物電池のT-RFLPおよびサイクリックボルタンメトリーによる微生物群集解析, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol. 46, 483-491 (2009)
- Toyama T., Sei K., Yu N., Kumada H., Inoue D., Hoang H., Soda S., Chang Y.-C., Kikuchi S., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Enrichment of bacteria possessing catechol dioxygenase genes in the rhizosphere of Spirodela polyrrhiza: a mechanism of accelerated biodegradation of phenol, Water Res., Vol. 43, No. 15, 3765-3776 (2009)
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- Nguyen N. Sang, Soda S., Inoue D., Sei K., and Ike M.: Effects of intermittent and continuous aeration on accelerative stabilization and microbial population dynamics in landfill bioreactor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 108, No. 4, 336-343 (2009)
- Yamamura S., Watanabe M., Yamamoto N., Sei K., and Ike M.: Potential for microbially mediated redox transformations and mobilization of arsenic in uncontaminated soils, Chemosphere, Vol. 77, No. 2, 169-174 (2009)
- Inoue D., Soda S., Tsutsui H., Yamazaki Y., Murashige K., Sei K., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Occurrence and persistence of indigenous transconjugants carrying conjugative plasmids in soil, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 108, No. 3, 231-234 (2009)
- Toyama T., Sato Y., Inoue D., Sei K., Chang Y.-C., Kikuchi S., and Ike M.: Biodegradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol F in rhizosphere sediment of Phragmites australis, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 108, No. 2, 147-150 (2009)
- Inoue D., Matsui H., Sei K., Hu J., Yang M., Aragane J., Hirotsuji J., and Ike M.: Evaluation of effectiveness of chemical and physical sewage treatment technologies for removal of retinoic acid receptor agonistic activity detected in sewage effluent, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 59, No. 12, 2447-2453 (2009)
- Hoang H., Inoue D., Momotani N., Yu N., Toyama T., Sei K., and Ike M.: Characterization of novel 4-n-butylphenol degrading Pseudomonas veronii strains isolated from rhizosphere of giant duckweed,Spirodela polyrrhiza, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 45, No. 2, 83-92 (2009)
- 井上大介, 中間公規, 清和成, 池道彦.: 酵母Two-hybrid法を用いた河川水中の各種核内受容体アゴニスト活性の評価―レチノイン酸受容体アゴニストによる汚染に焦点をあてて―, 用水と廃水, Vol. 51, No. 5, 405-413 (2009)
- Danzl E., Sei K., Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Biodegradation of bisphenol A, bisphenol F and bisphenol S in seawater, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1472-1484 (2009)
- 惣田訓, 岩井良真, 清和成, 下田吉之, 池道彦.: 処理規模を考慮したエネルギー解析モデルによる様々な下水汚泥処理システムのエネルギー消費量の比較評価, 用水と廃水, Vol. 51, No. 3, 226-236 (2009)
- Lertsirisopon R., Soda S., Sei K., and Ike M.: Abiotic degradation of four phthalic acid esters in aqueous phase under natural sunlight, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 21, No. 3, 285-290 (2009)
- Inoue D., Nakama K., Matsui H., Sei K., and Ike M.: Detection of agonistic activities against five human nuclear receptors in river environments of Japan using a yeast two-hybrid assay, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., Vol. 82, No. 4, 399-404 (2009)
- Inoue D., Inaba M., Upadhye R. R., Sei K., and Ike M.: Multiple detection of occurrence of bacterial pathogens in two rivers in the Kinki district of Japan with a DNA microarray, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 45, No. 1, 31-43 (2009)
- Cao N., Yang M., Zhang Y., Hu J., Ike M., Hirotsuji J., Matsui H., Inoue D., and Sei K.: Evaluation of wastewater reclamation technologies based on in vitro and in vivo bioassays, Sci. Total Environ., Vol. 407, No. 5, 1588-1597 (2009)
- Kita Y., Nishikawa H., Ike M., and Takemoto T.: Enhancement of Au dissolution by microorganisms using an acceleration cathode reaction, Metallurgical Materials Transactions B, Vol. 40, No. 1, 39-44 (2009)
- Soda S., Kanzaki M., Yamamura S., Kashiwa M., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Slurry bioreactor modeling using a dissimilatory arsenate-reducing bacterium for remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 107, No. 2, 130-137 (2009)
- Inoue D., Inaba M., Yu N., Shima Y., Ueno T., Sei K., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Evaluation of biodegradation potential of organic compounds by river water microorganisms, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 59, No. 2, 317-322 (2009)
- Sei K., Inaba M., Upadhye R. R., Inoue D., and Ike M.: Development of DNA microarray for the evaluation of environmental functions, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 59, No. 1, 97-107 (2009)
- Upadhye R. R., Inoue D., Ishigaki T., Sei K., and Ike M.: Microarray analysis of eubacterial community and bacterial pathogens in leachate from three different landfills of Japan, Environ. Eng. Res., Vol. 45, 195-202 (2008)
- Nguyen N. Sang, Soda S., Sei K., and Ike M.: Effect of aeration on stabilization of organic solid waste and microbial population dynamics in lab-scale landfill bioreactors, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 106, No. 5, 425-432 (2008)
- Inoue D., Tsutsui H., Yamazaki Y., Sei K., Soda S., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Application of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with ethidium monoazide treatment for selective quantification of viable bacteria in aquatic environment, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 58, No. 5, 1107-1112 (2008)
- Ike M., Miyazaki T., Yamamoto N., Sei K., and Soda S.: Removal of arsenic from groundwater by arsenite-oxidizing bacteria, Water Sci. Technol, Vol. 58, No. 5, 1095-1100 (2008)
- Soda S., Otsuki H., Inoue D., Tsutsui H., Sei K., and Ike M.: Transfer of antibiotic multiresistant plasmid RP4 from Escherichia coli to activated sludge bacteria, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 106, No. 3, 292-296 (2008)
- Yamamura S., Watanabe M., Kanzaki M., Soda S., and Ike M.: Removal of arsenic from contaminated soils by microbial reduction of arsenate and quinone, Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 42, No. 16, 6154-6159 (2008)
- Ishigaki T., Chung C. V., Nguyen N. Sang, Ike M., Otsuka K., Yamada M., and Inoue Y.: Estimation and field measurement of methane emission from waste landfills in Hanoi, Vietnam, J. Mater. Cycles Waste Manag., Vol. 10, No. 2, 165-172 (2008)
- Upadhye R. R., Inoue D., Inaba M., Sei K., and Ike M.: DNA microarray analysis of temporal and spatial variation of bacterial communities in Japanese rivers, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 44, No. 2, 109-120 (2008)
- Mishima D., Kuniki M., Sei K., Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Ethanol production from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) as candidates of energy crops,Bioresour. Technol., Vol. 99, No. 7, 2495-2500 (2008)
- Zhang Y., Sei K., Toyama T., Ike M., Zhang J., Yang M., and Kamagata Y. : Changes of catabolic genes and microbial community structures during biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylates and nonylphenol in natural water microcosms, Biochem. Eng. J., Vol. 39, No. 2, 288-296 (2008)
- Inoue D., Hara S., Kashihara M., Murai Y., Danzl E., Sei K., Tsunoi S., Fujita M., and Ike M. : Degradation of bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F) by Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain FM-2 isolated from river water, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Vol. 74, No. 2, 352-358 (2008)
- Sei K., Takeda T., Soda O. S., Fujita M., and Ike M. : Removal characteristics of endocrine-disrupting chemicals by laccase from white-rot fungi, J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, Vol. 43, No. 1, 53-60 (2008)
- 井上大介, 松井久恵, 清和成, 楊敏, 胡建英, 荒金淳, 廣辻淳二, 西川淳一, 池道彦.: PRTR化学物質の各種核内受容体に対する結合性, 水環境学会誌, Vol. 30, No. 2, 89-94 (2007)
- Soda S., Ike M., Ogasawara Y., Yoshinaka M., Mishima D., and Fujita M.: Effects of light intensity and water temperature on oxygen release from roots into water lettuce rhizosphere, Water Res., Vol. 41, No. 2, 487-491 (2007)
- Nguyen N. Sang, Soda S., Sei K., Ishigaki T., Lam M. Triet, Ike M., and Fujita M.: Performance of lab-scale membrane bioreactor for treatment of leachate from Go Cat landfill in Hochiminh City, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 43, No. 1, 43-49 (2007)
- Inoue D., Murashige K., Sei K., Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Distribution and characteristics of plasmid mobilizers in aquatic and soil environments and activated sludge, J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., Vol. 53, No. 1, 67-70 (2007)
- Yamamura S., Yamashita M., Fujimoto N., Kashiwa M., Sei K., Fujita M., and Ike M.: Bacillus selenatarsenatis sp. nov., a selenate- and arsenate-reducing bacterium isolated from a glass-manufacturing plant effluent drain, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., Vol. 57, No. 5, 1060-1064 (2007)
- 井上大介, 筒井裕文, 山崎祐二, 村重勝士, 清和成, 惣田訓, 藤田正憲, 池道彦.: プラスミド保持細菌の導入による土壌微生物群集の構造と機能の変化, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol. 44, 613-623 (2007)
- Pham M. Hoai, Tsunoi S., Ike M., Sei K., Lu X., Tanaka M., and Fujita M.: Dicarboxylic degradation products of nonylphenol polyethoxylates: determination and structural elucidation in water samples by solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after methylation, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1103, No. 1, pp.125-132 (2006)
- Shioji H., Tsunoi S., Kobayashi Y., Shigemori T., Ike M., Fujita M., Miyaji Y., and Tanaka M.: Estrogenic Activity of Branched 4-Nonylphenol Isomers Examined by Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay, J. Health Sci., Vol. 52, No. 2, 132-141 (2006)
- Toyama T., Yu N., Kumada H., Sei K., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Accelerated aromatic compounds degradation in aquatic environment by use of interaction between Spirodela polyrrhiza and bacteria in its rhizosphere, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 101, No. 4, pp. 346-353 (2006)
- 瀧寛則, 高畑陽, 池道彦.: BTEX汚染空気の微生物浄化におけるo-キシレン分解菌の添加効果, 環境技術, Vol. 35, No. 4, 302-310(2006)
- Soda O. S., Kitagawa M., and Fujita, M.: Modeling and simulation of in situ bioremediation for TCE-contaminated groundwater through methane injection in Kimitsu city, Japan, Water Sci. Technol. Water-Supply, Vol. 6, No. 2, 253-259 (2006)
- Ike M., Chen M.-Y., Danzl E., Sei K., and Fujita M.: Biodegradation of a variety of bisphenols under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 53, No. 6, 153-159 (2006)
- Mishima D., Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Comparative study on chemical pretreatments to accelerate enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic macrophytes biomass used in water purification processes, Bioresour. Technol., Vol. 97, No. 16, 2166-2172 (2006)
- Lertsirisopon R., Sei K., Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Biodegradability of four phthalic acid esters under anaerobic condition assessed using natural sediment, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 793-796 (2006)
- 清和成, 内河裕美, Sang N. Nguyen, 池道彦, 藤田正憲, 石垣智基, Blent Inanc, 井上雄三, 三井清志, 前田信一, 鈴木學,門上希和夫, 肥塚隆男.: 浸出水循環式を適用した海面埋立廃棄物最終処分場の安定化促進モデル試験, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol. 43, pp. 319-325 (2006)
- Hirobe M., Goda Y., Okayasu Y., Tomita J., Takigami H., Ike M., and Tanaka H.: The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the determination of pollutants in environmental and industrial wastes, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 54, No. 11-12, 1-9 (2006)
- Goda Y., Hirobe M., Kobayashi A., Fujimoto S., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Production of monoclonal antibody and development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for alkyl ethoxylates, Anal. Chim. Acta, Vol. 528, No. 1, 47-54 (2005)
- 小川幸正, 藤田正憲, 中川悦光.: ふん尿・食品残渣の中温および高温メタン発酵の性能比較に関する研究, 廃棄物学会論文誌, Vol. 16, No. 1, 44-54 (2005)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Hashimoto R., Nakagawa T., Yamaguchi K., and Soda O. S.: Characterizing kinetics of transport and transformation of selenium in water-sediment microcosm free from selenium contamination using a simple mathematical model, Chemosphere, Vol. 58, No. 6, 705-714 (2005)
- Tateda M., Le D. Trung, Ike M., and Fujita M.: Optimal turning method of composting regarding hygienic safety, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 2, 194-199 (2005)
- Mori K., Toyama T., and Sei K.: Surfactant degrading activities in the rhizosphere of giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrrhiza), Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 41, No. 3, 129-140 (2005)
- 遠山忠, 吉仲賢晴, 清和成, 池道彦, 藤田正憲.: ボタンウキクサと根圏微生物の相互作用を利用した芳香族化合物の分解促進, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol. 42, 475-486 (2005)
- Inoue D., Wada K., Sei K., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Comparative evaluation of quantitative polymerase chain reaction methods for routine enumeration of specific bacterial DNA in aquatic samples,World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Vol. 21, No. 6-7, 1029-1035 (2005)
- Lertsirisopon R., Makihira N., Jeong J.-S., Sei K., Ishigaki T., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Biodegradation of three phthalic acid esters by microorganisms from aquatic environment, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 41, No. 4, 193-201 (2005)
- Inoue D., Sei K., Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M.: Potential of predominant activated sludge bacteria as recipients in conjugative plasmid transfer, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 100, No. 6, 600-605 (2005)
- Ishigaki T., Sugano W., Nakanishi A., Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : The degradability of biodegradable plastics in aerobic and anaerobic waste landfill model reactors, Chemosphere, Vol. 54, No. 3, 225-233 (2004)
- Tateda M., Fujita M., Ike M., Qui Y.-F., and Kokubo S. : Effect of preozonation on improvement of settle ability of solid in highly concentrated organic wastewater of Japanese wheat and sweet potato sprit-distillery, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 16, No. 2, 230-233 (2004)
- Nguyen V. Hung, Tateda M., Ike M., Fujita M., Tsunoi S., and Tanaka M. : Sorption of biodegradation end products of nonylphenol polyethoxylates onto activated sludge, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 16, No. 4, 564-569 (2004)
- Waki M., Suzuki K., Osada T., Tanaka Y., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Microbiological activities contributing to nitrogen removal with methane: effects of methyl fluoride and tungstate, Bioresource Technol., Vol. 94, No. 3, 339-343 (2004)
- Pham M. Hoai, Tsunoi S., Ike M., Inui N., Tanaka M., and Fujita M. : Dicarboxylic degradation products of nonylphenol polyethoxylates: synthesis and identification by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using electron and chemical ionization modes, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1061, No. 1, 115-121 (2004)
- Goda Y., Kobayashi A., Fujimoto S., Toyoda Y., Miyagawa K., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of alkylphenol polyethoxylates and their biodegradation products, Water Res., Vol. 38, No. 20, 4323-4330 (2004)
- 小川幸正、原達巳、藤田正憲、中川悦光 : ふん尿・食品残渣のバイオガスプラントにおけるエネルギー供給施設としての評価に関する研究, 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, No. 95, 35-43 (2004)
- Sei K., Inoue D., Wada K., Mori K., Ike M., Kohno T., and Fujita M. : Monitoring behaviour of catabolic genes and change of microbial community structures in seawater microcosms during aromatic compound degradation, Water Res., Vol. 38, No. 20, 4405-4414 (2004)
- Yamamura S., Terashi S., Ike M., Yamashita M., and Fujita M. : Characterization of arsenate-, selenate- and nitrate-reducing activities in Bacillus sp. SF-1, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 40, No. 4, 161-168 (2004)
- Yamamura S., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Dissimilatory arsenate reduction by a facultative anaerobe,Bacillus sp. SF-1, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 96, No. 5, 454-460 (2003)
- Sei K., Sugimoto Y., Mori K., Maki H., and Kohno T. : Monitoring of alkane-degrading bacteria in a sea-water microcosm during crude oil degradation by polymerase chain reaction based on alkane-catabolic genes, Environ. Microbiol., Vol. 5, No. 6, 517-522 (2003)
- Sun H.-W., Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Short- and long-term sorption/desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto artificial solids: effects of particle and pore sizes and organic matters, Water Res., Vol. 37, No. 12, 2960-2968 (2003)
- Tateda M., Le D. Trung, Ike M., and Fujita M. : Effect of heating patterns on inactivation and regrowth potential of bacterial indicator organisms in simulation of composting, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 39, No. 3, 131-138 (2003)
- Sei K., Mori K., Kohno T., and Maki H. : Development and application of PCR primers for monitoring alkane-degrading bacteria in seawater microcosm during crude oil degradation process, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, Vol. 36, No. 10, 1185-1193 (2003)
- Ishigaki T., Sugano W., Nakanishi A., Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Application of bioventing to waste landfill for improving waste settlement and leachate quality – A lad-scale model study, J. Solid Waste Technol. Manag., Vol. 29, No. 4, 230-238 (2003)
- Pham M. Hoai, Tsunoi S., Ike M., Kuratani Y., Kudou K., Pham H. Viet, Fujita M., and Tanaka M. :Simultaneous determination of degradation products of nonylphenol polyethoxylates and their halogenated derivatives by solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry after trimethylsilylation, J. Chromatogr. A, Vol. 1020, No. 2, 161-171 (2003)
- Ike M., Asano M., Balkada F. D., Tsunoi S., Tanaka M., and Fujita M. : Degradation of biotransformation products of nonylphenol ethoxylates by ozonation and UV/TiO2 treatment, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 46, No. 11-12, 127-132 (2002)
- Chen M.-Y., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Acute toxicity, mutagenicity, and estrogenicity of Bisphenol-A and other Bisphenols, Environ. Toxicol., Vol. 17, No. 1, 80-86 (2002)
- Tateda M., Le D. Trung, Nguyen V. Hung, Ike M., and Fujita M. : Comprehensive temperature monitoring in an in-vessel forced-aeration static-bed composting process, J. Mater. Cycles Waste Manag., Vol. 4, No. 1, 62-69 (2002)
- Ishigaki T., Sugano W., Ike M., Taniguchi H., Goto T., and Fujita M. : Effect of UV irradiation on enzymatic degradation of cellulose acetate, Polym. Deg. Stab., Vol. 78, No. 3, 505-510 (2002)
- Ike M., Chen M.-Y., Jin C.-S., and Fujita M. : Acute toxicity, mutagenicity, and estrogenicity of biodegradation products of bisphenol-A, Environ. Toxicol., Vol. 17, No. 5, 80-86 (2002)
- Lee T.-H., Ike M., and Fujita M. : A reactor system combining reductive dechlorination with co-metabolic oxidation for complete degradation of tetrachloroethylene, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 14, No. 4, 445-450 (2002)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Kashiwa M., Hashimoto R., and Soda S. : Laboratory-scale continuous reactor for soluble selenium removal using selenate-reducing bacterium, Bacillus sp. SF-1, Biotechnol. Bioeng., Vol. 80, No. 7, 755-761 (2002)
- Kohno T., Sugimoto Y., Sei K., and Mori K. : Design of PCR primers and gene probes for general detection of alkane-degrading bacteria, Microb. Environ., Vol. 17, No. 3, 114-121 (2002)
- Kohno T., Sei K., and Mori K. : Characterization of type1851 organism isolated from activated sludge samples, Water Sci. Technol., Vol.46, No.1-2, pp.111-114 (2002)
- 小川幸正、藤田正憲、中川悦光 : ふん尿・食品残渣のメタン発酵施設における運転データの解析, 廃棄物学会論文誌, Vol. 14, No. 5, 258-267 (2003)
- Kashiwa M., Ike M., Mihara H., Esaki N., and Fujita M. : Removal of soluble selenium by a selenate-reducing bacterium Bacillus sp. SF-1, Biofactors, Vol. 14, No. 1-4, 261-265 (2001)
- Chieu, L., Soda, S., Tateda, M., Ike, M., Viet, N. P., and Fujita, M. : Effect of step-feed ratio and temperature on nitrogen removal in an anoxic-oxic activated sludge process, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 37, No. 1, 19-28 (2001)
- Jang J.-H., Ike M., Kim S.-M., and Fujita M. : Production of a novel bioflocculant by fed-batch culture of Citrobacter sp., Biotechnol. lett., Vol. 23, No. 8, 593-597 (2001)
- 江口正浩、明賀春樹、佐々木正一、三宅酉作、藤田正憲 : 汚染サイトから分離されたMethylomonas sp. KSW III株によるトリクロロエチレンの分解特性, 環境技術, Vol. 30, No. 7, 553-560 (2001)
- Sei K., Nakao M., Mori K., Ike M., Kohno T., and Fujita M. : Design of PCR primers and a gene probe for extensive detection of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)-degrading bacteria possessing fibronectin type III linker type-PHB depolymerases, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Vol. 55, No. 6, 801-806 (2001)
- Iwahori K., Tokutomi T., Miyata N., and Fujita M.: Formation of stable foam by the cells and culture supernatant of Gordonia (Nocardia) amarae, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 92, No. 1, pp.77-79 (2001)
- Liyanage C. B., Ozaki Y., Maeda M., Kobayashi N., and Fujita M. : Behavior of nitrate nitrogen in an andisol following intensive fertilizer regimes in arable lands, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 37, No. 3, 99-110 (2001)
- Tateda M., Hung N. V., Kaku H., Asano M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Development of a routine analytical procedure for nonylphenol polyethoxylates and their biodegradation products in sludge from sewage treatment plants, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 44, No. 10, 101-106 (2001)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Jang J.-H., Kim S.-M., and Hirao T. : Bioflocculation production from lower-molecular fatty acids as a novel strategy for utilization of sludge digestion liquor, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 44, No. 10, 237-243 (2001)
- Ike M., Fujita M., Sekoulov I., and Behrendt J. : Screening of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) potentials in biomass from a variety of wastewater treatment processes, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 37, No. 4, 151-159 (2001)
- Kim S.-M., Ike M., Tachibana S., Kitada G., Hirao T., and Fujita M. : Screening of bacteria capable of producing bioflocculants from acetic and propionic acids, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 36, No. 4, 183-192 (2000)
- Sei K., Asano K., Mori K., Ike M., Kohno T., and Fujita M. : Development of simple methods of DNA extraction from environmental samples for monitoring microbial community based on PCR, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 36, No. 4, 193-204 (2000)
- 藤田正憲, 森本和花, 河野宏樹, Silvana P., 森一博, 池道彦, 山口克人, 惣田訓 : 水質浄化に利用可能な水生植物データベースの構築, 環境科学会誌, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1-13 (2000)
- 綿谷寿美, 石垣智基, 森一博, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 水域直接浄化に関する事例解析とデータベースシステムの開発, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol. 37, 247-258 (2000)
- Ishigaki T., Sugano W., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Enzymatic degradation of cellulose acetate plastic by novel degrading bacterium Bacillus sp. S2055, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 90, No. 4, 400-405 (2000)
- Fujita M., Era A., Ike M., Soda S., Miyata N., and Hirao T. : Decolorization of heat-treatment liquor of waste sludge by a bioreactor using polyurethane foam-immobilized white rot fungus equipped with ultramembrane filtration unit, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 90, No. 4, 387-394 (2000)
- Miyata N., Mori T., Iwahori K., and Fujita M. : Microbial decolorization of melanoidin-containing wastewaters : Combined use of activated sludge and the fungus Coliolus hirsutus, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 89, No. 2, 145-150 (2000)
- Ishigaki T., Sugano W., Ike M., Kawagoshi Y., Fukunaga I., and Fujita M. : Abundance of polymers-degrading microorganisms in a sea-based solid waste disposal sites , J. Basic Microbiol., Vol. 40, No. 3, 177-186 (2000)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Tachibana S., Kitada G., Kim S.-M., and Inoue Z. : Characterization of a bioflocculant produced by Citrobacter sp. TKF04 from acetic and propionic acids, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 89, No. 1, 40-46 (2000)
- Ike M., Takahashi K., Fujita T., Kashiwa M., and Fujita M. : Selenate reduction by bacteria isolated from aquatic environment free from selenium contamination, Water Res., Vol. 34, No. 11, 3019-3025 (2000)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Kawagoshi Y., and Miyata N. : Biotreatment of persistent substances using effective microorganisms, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 42, No. 12, 93-106 (2000)
- Fujita M., Mori K., and Kodera T. : Nutrient removal and starch production through cultivation ofWolffia arrhiza, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 87, No. 2, 194-198 (1999)
- Mori K., Igehara H., Yoshida K., Shinmyo A., and Fujita M. : Plant regeneration from septum segment of a water plant Pak-bung (Ipomoea aquatica), Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 35, No. 1, 1-7 (1999)
- 川口幸夫, 堺好雄, 藤田正憲 : ステップ流入二段嫌気好気活性汚泥法の最適運転方法に関する考察, 水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 35, No. 3, 165-176 (1999)
- 吉田輝久, 浜田英明, 藤田正憲 : オキシデーションディッチにおける放線菌の増殖に関する調査研究, 水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 35, No. 1, 19-28 (1999)
- Lee T.-H., Yoshimi M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Sequencing anaerobic/aerobic degradation of tetrachloroethylene in a soil enrichment culture, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 35, No. 1, 49-58 (1999)
- Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Adsorption of bacterial cells onto activated sludge flocs, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 87, No. 4, 513-518 (1999)
- Soda S., Uesugi K., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Application of a floc-forming genetically engineered microorganism to a sequencing batch reactor for phenolic wastewater treatment, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 88, No. 1, 85-91 (1999)
- Ishigaki T., Kawagoshi Y., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Biodegradation of a polyvinyl alcohol-starch blend plastic film, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Vol. 15, No. 3, 321-327 (1999)
- Soda S., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Simulation study of competition between two microorganisms with antagonistic relationships in a completely mixed reactor, Biocontrol Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, 59-65 (1999)
- Sei K., Asano K., Tateishi N., Mori K., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Design of PCR primers and gene probes for extensive detection of bacterial populations capable of degrading aromatic compounds viacatechol cleavage pathways, J. Biosci. Bioeng., Vol. 88, No. 5, 542-550 (1999)
- Soda S., Heinzle E., and Fujita M. : Modeling and simulation of competition between two microorganisms for a single inhibitory substrate in a biofilm reactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., Vol. 66, No. 4, 258-264 (1999)
- Ike M., Takashima M., Tachibana S., Inoue Z., and Fujita M. : Biosurfactant production from acetic acid as a strategy for waste sludge utilization, Biocontrol Science, Vol. 3, No. 1, 31-38 (1998)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Goda Y., Fujimoto S., Toyoda Y. and Miyagawa K.-I. : An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate: development and field studies, Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 32, No. 8, 1143-1146 (1998)
- Soda S., Watatani H., Ike M. and Fujita M. : Factors affecting the survival of exogenous bacteria in microbial ecosystems: existence of indigenous bacteria with antagonistic activity, Biocontrol Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, 63-72 (1998)
- Soda S., Ike M. and Fujita M. : Effects of inoculation of a genetically engineered bacterium on treatment performance of a model activated sludge process treating phenol in a sequencing batch mode, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 86, No. 1, 90-96 (1998)
- Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Comparative evaluation of processes for heavy metal removal from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 10, No. 4, 458-465 (1998)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Nakamura F., and Soda S. : Isolation and characterization of a floc-forming bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis 551 from activated sludge, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 34, No. 3, 195-205 (1998)
- Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Heavy metal extraction from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash using a sulfur oxidizing bacterium, Resour. Environ. Biotechnol., Vol. 2, No. 2, 137-151 (1998)
- 明河一彦, 立田真文, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 大学内の有機溶剤の管理状況と問題点, 廃棄物学会誌, Vol. 8, No. 7, 327-334 (1997)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Nishimoto S., Takahashi K., and Kashiwa M. : Isolation and characterization of a novel selenate-reducing bacterium, Bacillus sp. SF-1, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 83, No. 6, 517-522 (1997)
- Tateda M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Loss of metallic elements associated with ash disposal and social impacts, Resour. Conserv. Recycl., Vol. 19, No. 2, 93-108 (1997)
- Kawagoshi Y., Mitihiro Y., Fujita M., and Hashimoto S. : Production and recovery of an enzyme fromPseudomonas vesicularis var. povalolyticus PH that degrades polyvinyl alcohol, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Vol. 13, No. 1, 63-67 (1997)
- 岩堀恵祐, 小田原健治, 辰巳安良, 山川公一郎, 藤田正憲 : 活性汚泥法ファジィ制御システムのシステム構成, 環境システム計測制御学会誌EICA, Vol. 1, No. 3, 9-17 (1997)
- Lee T.-H., Yoshimi M., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Characterization of an anaerobic soil enrichment capable of dechlorinating high concentrations of tetrachloroethylene, Water Sci. Technol., Vol. 36, No. 6-7, 117-124(1997)
- Miyata N., Yamashita M., Ike M., Iwahori K., and Fujita M. : Decolorization of heat treatment liquor of waste sludge by the white rot fungus Coliolus hirsutus, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 33, No. 1, 35-45 (1997)
- 古川憲治, 藤田正憲, 重村浩之, 平群町役場生活環境課 : 各種接触担体と水生植物の組み合わせによる生活排水汚濁水路浄化施設の処理特性, 日本水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 33, No. 3, 161-170 (1997)
- Maki H., Tokuhiro K., Fujiwara Y., Ike M., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Biodegradation of synthetic surfactants by river microorganisms, J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 8, No. 3, 275-284 (1996)
- Maki H., Fujita M., and Fujiwara Y. : Identification of final biodegradation product of nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) by river microbial consortia, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., Vol. 57, No. 6, 881-887 (1996)
- Miyata N., Ike M., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Fractionation and characterization of brown colored components in heat treatment liquor of waste sludge, Water Res., Vol. 30, No. 6, 1361-1368 (1996)
- 陳昌淑, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : Pseudomonas paucimobilis FJ-4株によるビスフェノールAの代謝経路, 日本水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 32, No. 3, 199-210 (1996)
- Bhatti Z., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Feasibility of methanolic waste treatment in UASB reactors,Water Res., Vol. 30, No. 11, 2559-2568 (1996)
- 陳昌淑, 徳弘健郎, 池道彦, 古川憲治, 藤田正憲 : 河川水マイクロコズムによるビスフェノールA(BPA)の分解, 水環境学会誌, Vo. 19, No. 11, 878-884 (1996)
- 池道彦, 片岡孝治, 武尾正弘, 藤田正憲 : 土壌中のフェノール分解菌の存在量とそのトリクロロエチレン分解能, 水環境学会誌, Vol. 19, No. 11, 937-944 (1996)
- Fujita M., Iwahori K., Kawaguchi Y., and Sakai Y. : A survey of operating problems associated with sewage treatment plants in Japan, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 32, No. 4, 257-267 (1996)
- Bhatti Z. I., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Effect of addition of weathered granite on the formation of methanogenic granular sludge in UASB reactor, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 32, No. 1, 19-22 (1996)
- Iwahori K., Tatsuta S., Yamakawa K. and Fujita M. : Substrate profiles in pellets formed by Aspergillusniger, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 31, No. 2, 129-136 (1995)
- 岩堀恵祐, 山川公一郎, 藤田正憲 : カビのペレット形成に及ぼす培地pHと植菌胞子数の影響, 防菌防黴誌, Vol. 23, No. 9, 545-551 (1995)
- Iwahori K., Tatsuta S., Fujita M. and Yamakawa K. : Substrate permeability in pellets formed byAspergillus niger, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 79, No. 4, 387-390 (1995)
- Takeo M., Maeda Y., Okada H., Miyama K., Mori K., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Molecular cloning and sequencing of the phenol hydroxylase gene from Pseudomonas putida BH, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 79, No. 5, 485-488 (1995)
- Bhatti Z. I., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Methanogenic granular sludge formation in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating synthetic methanolic waste, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Vol. 11, No. 6, 631-637 (1995)
- Ike M., Jin C.-S., and Fujita M. : Isolation and characterization of a novel bisphenol A-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas paucimobilis strain FJ-4, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 31, No. 3, 203-212 (1995)
- Fujita M., Ike M., Hioki J., Kataoka K., and Takeo M. : Trichloroethylene degradation by genetically engineered bacteria carrying cloned phenol catabolic genes, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 79, No. 2, 100-106 (1995)
- Iwahori K., Wang M., Taki H., and Fujita M. : Comparative studies on utilization of fatty acids and hydrocarbons in Nocardia amarae and Rhodococcus spp., J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 79, No. 2, 186-189 (1995)
- Bhatti Z. I., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Comparative composition and characteristics of methanogenic granular sludges treating industrial wastes under different conditions, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 79, No. 3, 273-280 (1995)
- Iwahori K., Tatsuta S., Yamakawa K., and Fujita M. : Parameter fitting and model simulation of starch wastewater treatment using fungi pellets, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 31, No. 1, 43-50(1995)
- Furukawa K., Ryu S.-L., Fujita M., and Fukunaga I. : Nitrogen pollution of leachate at sea-based solid waste disposal site and its nitrification treatment by immobilized acclimated nitrifying sludge, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 77, No. 4, 413-418 (1994)
- Bhatti Z.I., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Effect of substrate shift on the characteristics of methanogenic granular sludge, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 30, No. 1, 57-63 (1994)
- Fujita M., Iwahori K., and Taki H. : A novel method of enumerating Nocardia amarae in foaming activated sludge, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 77, No. 6, 674-678 (1994)
- Fujita M., Ike M., and Uesugi K. : Operation parameters affecting the survival of genetically engineered microorganisms in activated sludge processes, Water Res., Vol. 28, No. 7, 1667-1672 (1994)
- Maki H., Masuda N., Fujiwara Y., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Degradation of alkylphenol ethoxylates byPseudomonas sp. strain TR01, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Vol. 60, No. 7, 2265-2271 (1994)
- Furukawa K., Tanaka N., and Fujita M. : Stoichiometry of activated sludge process for the treatment of synthetic organic wastewater, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 78, No. 2, 175-178 (1994)
- Fujita M., Iwahori K., Tatsuta S., and Yamakawa K. : Analysis of pellet formation of Aspergillus nigerbased on shear stress, J. Ferment. Bioeng., Vol. 78, No. 5, 368-373 (1994)
- Ike M., Suzuki H., and Fujita M. : Distribution of bacterial plasmids in an activated sludge plant, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 30, No. 2, 65-71 (1994)
- Iwahori K., Tatsuta S., Fujita M., and Yamakawa K. : Biomass evaluation of pellets formed byAspergillus niger, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 30, No. 2, 121-128 (1994)
- Ryu S.-L., Furukawa K., and Fujita M. : Denitrification treatment of NO3-N polluted sea water by immobilized acclimated marine denitrifying sludge, Jpn. J. Water Treat. Biol., Vol. 30, No. 2, 113-120 (1994)
- Furukawa K., Ryu S.-L., Fujita M. and Fukunaga I. : Nitrification of leachate at sea water dumping site Water and Wastewater Treatment, Proc. of the International Conference and Exhibition on Water and Wastewater (ICEWW ’94), Vol. 1, 450-458 (1994)
- 著作物 (Publications)
- 池道彦(監修), 惣田訓, 清和成(分担): メタルバイオテクノロジーによる環境保全と資源回収―新元素戦略の新しいキーテクノロジー―, 吉田和哉名誉監修, 植田充美・池道彦監修, シーエムシー(2009)
第2章 メタルバイオテクノロジーの可能性:新“元素戦略”へ向けて(池), pp. 7-14
第3章 メタルバイオによる廃水処理・環境修復
3. オキサニオン還元作用を利用したセレン含有排水の処理(池), pp. 27-33
4. 亜ヒ酸酸化菌を利用したヒ素汚染地下水浄化技術の開発(清), pp. 34-41
11. キレート剤の併用によるカドミウムファイトレメディエーションの効率化(清), pp. 76-83
第4章 メタルバイオによる資源回収・リサイクル
8. 円石藻のココリス形成に伴う海水からの元素回収(惣田), pp. 144-149
- 池道彦, 清和成: バイオプロセスハンドブック, エヌ・ティー・エス (2007)
第5編 バイオプロセス応用の分野別事例 第4章 環境分野
4.1 バイオレメディエーションの現状と課題, pp.593-598
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦: バイオ環境工学, シーエムシー (2006)
第1章 バイオ環境工学序説
第2章 地域・地球環境問題とバイオ環境工学
第3章 微生物技術を活用した水処理技術
第4章 微生物による環境修復技術
第5章 植物を活用した処理技術・環境修復技術
第6章 生物作用を利用した環境計測と遺伝子レベルでの生態系の評価
第7章 生物反応を利用した資源リサイクル
第8章 遺伝子組換え技術の環境保全への適用とバイオリスク
第9章 バイオ環境工学の展望
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 清和成(分担): 水環境ハンドブック, 日本水環境学会編 (2006)
IV. 知 第18章 分子生物学的手法
18.1 水環境研究のツールとしての分子生物学(池), pp.558-559
18.2 分子生物学の基礎(藤田, 池, 清), pp.559-563
- 池道彦(分担) : 生物工学ハンドブック, 日本生物工学会編, コロナ社 (2005)
I編 生物工学の基盤技術 2.育種技術 2.5 生体外遺伝子操作 2.5.4 宿主・ベクター系 [3-b]物質分解系としての宿主・ベクター系, pp.124-126
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦(分担) : アプローチ 環境ホルモン-その基礎と水環境における最前線-, 技報堂出版 (2004)
4. 環境ホルモンによる水環境の汚染, 4.4 水環境中での挙動, pp.143-159
- 藤田正憲, 立田真文(分担) : アジア環境白書2003/04, 日本環境会議・「アジア環境白書」編集委員会編, 東洋経済新報社, (2004)
第II部 第4章 [コラム4]ベトナムの廃棄物処理と環境ホルモン, pp.273-275
- Perdomo S., Shigemura H., Furukawa K., Ike M., and Fujita M. : Nitrogen and phosphorous removal kinetics in a wastewater treatment systems with Pistia stratiotes, in Wetlands Nutrients, Metals and Mass Cycling (Vymazal J. ed.), pp.49-74, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherland (2003)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦(分担) : 生物工学実験書(改訂版), 日本生物工学会編, 培風館 (2002)
第6章 環境化学実験 6.3 化学物質の生分解実験, pp.415-417,
- 河野哲郎, 森一博, 清和成(分担) : 生物工学実験所(改訂版), 日本生物工学会編, 培風館 (2002)
第6章 環境化学実験 6.4 環境変異原の検出実験, pp.418-420
- 藤田正憲編著, 池道彦, 立田真文, 惣田訓(分担) : バイオレメディエーション実用化への手引き, リアライズ社(2001)
- 清水達雄, 藤田正憲, 古川憲治, 堀内淳一 : 微生物と環境保全, 地球環境サイエンスシリーズ⑨, 三共出版 (2001)
- 藤田正憲, 郷田泰弘(分担) : 非イオン界面活性剤と水環境-用途、計測技術、生態影響-, 日本水環境学会[水環境と洗剤研究委員会]編, 技報堂出版, pp.179-187 (2000)
- 藤田正憲, 森一博(分担) : 日本の水環境5近畿編, (社)日本水環境学会編, 技報堂出版, pp.169-176 (2000)
- 藤田正憲, 貫上佳則(分担) : 日本の水環境5近畿編, (社)日本水環境学会編, 技報堂出版, pp.243-247 (2000)
- 藤田正憲(監訳), 池道彦(共訳) : バイオレメディエーションエンジニアリング-設計と応用-, ジョン・T・クックソン Jr.著, 藤田正憲・矢木修身監訳
第1章 生物プロセスの適用, pp.3-23
第5章 微生物による特殊化学物質の無毒化, pp.159-191, エヌ・ティー・エス (1997)
- 藤田正憲 : 環境毒性削減:評価と制御-生物多様性のための地球環境技術(翻訳)
第4章 毒性削減方法-生物学的毒性制御, pp.61-94, 環境技術研究協会 (1996)
- 池道彦, 藤田正憲, 武尾正弘 : 自然環境の復元をめざして-地下水・土壌汚染の現状と対策-
第4章 有機塩素化合物の浄化対策(4.1 微生物処理, 4.2 フェノール分解菌による分解), pp.168-174,(社)日本水環境学会関西支部編 (1995)
- 藤田正憲(分担) : 地球がよみがえる-動きはじめたバイオレメディエーション-
第3章 トリクロロエチレン等の微生物分解, pp.43-64, シーエムシー(1994)
- Fujita M. and Ike M. : Wastewater treatment using genetically engineered microorganisms, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, USA. (1994)
- 解説・総説 (Articles, all in Japanese)
○ 池 道彦 巻頭言『環境革命』実現のカギ, 神鋼環境ソリューション技報, 6(2), 1(2010)
○ Nguyen N. Sang, 惣田 訓, 石垣智基, 清 和成, 池 道彦 ベトナムホーチミン市における都市廃棄物の埋め立て処分場の現状, 大阪産業大学人間環境論集, 9, 277-289(2010)
○ 池 道彦 : 微生物を利用した排水からのレアメタル回収‐メタル酸化物還元菌による排水からのセレン回収を例に-, (特集 レアメタルリサイクル (金属回収)) , 環境浄化技術, 8(5), 11-15 (2009)
○ 藤田清士, 森本健志, 奥西有理, 池 道彦, 原島 俊 大阪大学工学部・工学研究科の海外夏期英語研修への挑戦, 生産と技術, 61(4), 101-104(2009)
○ 池 道彦 現場の“もの”が見える/理想的なバイオマス, 第3部 (33面) , 座長の期待する発表 (38面) , 日本下水道新聞, 2009年7月22日 (2009)
○ 池 道彦 特集にあたって-環境浄化装置としての植物- (特集 植物による環境保全・浄化のポテンシャル) ,バイオインダストリー, 26(11), 5-6(2009)
○ 遠山 忠, 清 和成, 森 一博, 池 道彦 水生植物根圏に集積される有害化学物質分解微生物-植物-微生物共生系による根圏浄化法のコンセプト, バイオインダストリー, 26(11), 21-27(2009)
○ 池道彦, 山下光雄 : 環境・資源保全分野におけるメタルバイオテクノロジーの可能性(第60回大会シンポジウム報告), 生物工学会誌, Vol. 86, No. 11, pp. 545 (2008)
○ 池道彦, 惣田訓 : オキソアニオン還元作用を利用したセレン含有排水処理技術の開発, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 86, No. 6, pp. 608-610 (2008)
○ 惣田訓, 高橋新, 小口一郎, 近藤明, 下田吉之, 岩井千春, 照井雅子, 福井希一 : 環境分野の専門英語教育のためのe-learning教材の開発, 環境技術, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 729-733 (2008)
○ 惣田訓, 筒井裕文, 井上大介, 清和成, 池道彦 : プラスミドオーグメンテーションによる廃水処理プロセスの性能向上の可能性, 月刊「水」, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 14-21 (2008)
○ 池道彦, 惣田訓, 清和成, 桑畑宗子 : 大阪大学-ベトナム国立大学ハノイ校の拠点大学交流事業-熊本における第6回ジェネラルセミナーの開催-, 大阪大学留学生センター研究論集 多文化社会と留学生交流, Vol. 11, pp. 85-88 (2007)
○ 河野哲郎, Valter TANDOI, 田中浩, 清和成 : 活性汚泥のバルキング原因糸状微生物とその識別, 用水と廃水, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 61-74 (2006)
○ 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 惣田訓, 柏雅美 : セレン含有廃水の微生物処理技術, 水処理技術, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 365-369 (2006)
○ 池道彦, 河杉忠昭, 吉見庄司 : 鼎談『環境革命』の起爆剤へ, パワフルかんさい, 2006年9月号 (2006)
○ 池道彦 : 資源としての水利用, 空気調和・衛生工学, Vol. 80, No. 9, pp. 725-727 (2006)
○ 池道彦 : 今月の話題, 用水と廃水, Vol. 48, No. 10, p. 1 (2006)
○ 惣田訓, 北川正美, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : トリクロロエチレン汚染地下水のバイオレメディエーション-千葉県君津市の実証試験サイトへの数値モデルの適用-, 月刊「水」, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 14-23 (2006)
○ 惣田訓, 芦沢真五 : 世界で活躍できる理工系の人材育成(各論2)工学研究科留学生のためのキャリア支援,大阪大学工業会誌テクノネット, No. 535, pp. 26-28 (2006)
○ 池道彦 : 金属酸化物の還元作用を利用したレアメタルの除去・無毒化, 水環境学会誌, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 63-67 (2005)
○ 清和成 : 環境の遺伝子診断・遺伝子治療, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 83, No. 2, p. 92 (2005)
○ Manuel A. Leiva, Kazunari Sei, Satoshi Soda, Junta Yanai, and Alex Chen : A tale of three cities: globalization’s impact on air environment in Santiago, water environment in Osaka, and soil environment in Shanghai, A collaborative research paper based on the 2004 APRU Fellows Program “Globalization and the Environment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”, APRU Program Selected Paper Award, (2005)
○ 池道彦 : 特集のねらい 事業化の進むバイオレメディエーション, 環境技術, Vol. 34, No. 4, p. 1 (2005)
○ 清和成 : 活性汚泥のバルキングと微生物, 浄化槽, No. 352, pp. 15-20 (2005)
○ 惣田訓, 池道彦 : 浄化槽への有用微生物導入の可能性, 浄化槽, No. 352, pp. 21-25 (2005)
○ 惣田訓 : 廃水処理における接合性プラスミドの利用, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 83, No. 8, p. 395 (2005)
○ 藤田正憲 : 解説 これまでに産業が環境に対して及ぼした変化の修復 水質浄化, 日本機械学会誌, Vol. 107, No. 1023, pp. 13-16 (2004)
○ 藤田正憲 : 巻頭言 水と汚泥の循環を支える下水道, 再生と利用, Vol. 27, No. 103, p. 5 (2004)
○ 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : Bacillus sp. SF-1株による金属酸化物還元作用とそのセレン排水処理およびヒ素汚染土壌浄化への応用, 月刊「水」, Vol. 46, No. 661, pp. 18-22 (2004)
○ 藤田正憲 : <研究展望>土木工学とバイオテクノロジー, 土木学会論文集, No. 776/VII-33, pp. 3-15 (2004)
○ 藤田正憲 : 特集/流れ 2.上下水道の流れ, 関西造船協会 らん, No. 60, pp. 6-9 (2003)
○ 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 石垣智基, 浅野昌弘 : ベトナム・ハノイ市における廃棄物処分の現状, 環境技術, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 19-24 (2003)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 平尾知彦 : 環境ホルモンの生物学的分解, 用水と廃水, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 9-14 (2002)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 立田真文 : ベトナム国立大学ハノイ校拠点大学方式学術交流事業~3年を終え、最初の収穫期へ~,生産と技術, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 75-77 (2002)
- 池道彦 : トリクロロエチレン汚染のバイオレメディエーション, 保全科学, No. 8, pp. 2-6 (2002)
- 池道彦, 鹿角昌平, 小林直樹, 藤田正憲 : 酵母法による環境ホルモンの測定, 環境技術, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 589-593 (2002)
- 池道彦, 惣田訓, 井上大介, 藤田正憲 : 廃水処理における外来微生物の挙動と安全性, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 524-527 (2002)
- 井上智代, 和田克士, 平尾知彦, Jin-Ho Jang, Hui Ching Hia, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : バクテリアルキトサンの培養生産-グルコサミンを主成分とする多糖類の生産-, タクマ技報, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 95-101 (2002)
- 藤田正憲 : 「IT応用水環境システム」特集に寄せて, 三菱電機技報, Vol. 76, No. 10, p. 1 (2002)
- 立田真文 : 金属の大移動:21世紀、第二の鉱山との戦い, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 79, No. 1, p. 14 (2001)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 惣田訓 : 廃水処理における遺伝子組換え微生物の利用とその安全性, 環境技術, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 414-419 (2001)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 立田真文, 恵良彰, 宮田直幸 : 白色腐朽菌による難分解性物質の処理, 環境技術, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 939-944 (2000)
- 藤田正憲(分担) : 発酵工学20世紀のあゆみ-バイオテクノロジーの源流を遡る- 第7章 環境工学, 生物工学会誌 特別号, pp. 94-102 (2000)
- 藤田正憲 : 微生物機能を活用した有機性廃棄物からの新規バイオ凝集剤の生産, 用水と廃水, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 327-332 (2000)
- 藤田正憲 : 下水汚泥からのバイオ凝集剤生産の試み, 再生と利用, Vol. 23, No. 86, pp. 6-13 (2000)
- 立田真文 : 大阪大学-ベトナム国立大学ハノイ校 日本学術振興会拠点大学方式学術交流事業, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 106-107 (2000)
- 山川公一郎, 岩堀恵祐, 藤田正憲 : 下水処理への活性汚泥法ファジィ機能診断, 環境技術, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 535-541 (2000)
- 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 水環境における内分泌撹乱物質の生分解挙動 -ノニルフェノールエトキシレイトとビスフェノールAを例として-, 環境技術, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 450-454 (2000)
- 惣田訓, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 阻害関係を持つ二種の微生物の競合モデル, 用水と廃水, Vol. 42, pp. 485-491 (2000)
- 池道彦 : きわめて経済的な窒素除去プロセス”Anammox”, 生物工学会誌, Vol. 78, No. 1, pp. 15 (2000)
- 藤田正憲, 立田真文 : 有機性廃棄物のコンポスト化, ケミカルエンジニヤリング, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 26-32 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : 産業廃棄物の排水・汚泥などの生物学的処理と総合資源化, でん粉と食品, No. 24, pp. 13-18 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : 環境ホルモン研究と診断薬の開発-産官学連携の試み-(第17回月刊「水」論文賞受賞論文), 月刊「水」, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 16-22 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : おいしい「水」の科学と文化, 消費者情報, No. 303, pp. 8-11 (1999)
- 郷田泰弘, 小林綾子, 福田勝二, 藤本茂, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : ELISA法によるビスフェノールA新規測定法の開発, 用水と廃水, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 15-19 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : 下水道と環境ホルモン問題の展望, 下水道協会誌, Vol. 36, No. 445, pp. 26-29 (1999)
- 藤田正憲, 立田真文 : 環境分野におけるベトナムとの拠点大学方式学術交流の開始, 大阪大学工業会誌テクノネット, No. 506, pp. 1-4 (1999)
- 阪口祐二, 加来啓憲, 森一博, 池道彦, 藤田正憲, 西原力 : 河川における非イオン界面活性剤の分布と生体影響評価, 環境技術, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 22-25 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : 下水と汚泥-古くて新しい課題, 環境新聞, 平成11年1月1日第二部.
- 藤田正憲 : 環境ホルモンと下水処理技術-非イオン系界面活性剤を例に-, 水道公論, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 50-52 (1999)
- 藤田正憲 : 暮らしと環境ホルモン, 大阪大学工業会テクノネット, No. 503, pp. 18-21 (1999)
- 池道彦 : 海外報告 ドイツのゴミ箱, 環境技術, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 20-23 (1999)
- 石垣智基, 池道彦, 藤田正憲, 川越保徳 : 分解酵素適用によるPVA-デンプン系プラスチックの効率的分解, 環境技術, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 344-348 (1998)
- 惣田訓, 綿谷寿美, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 微生物生態系に導入された外来菌の淘汰要因, 環境技術, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 349-353 (1998)
- 藤田正憲 : PCE、TCEの生物処理技術, ケミカルエンジニヤリング, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 31-35 (1998)
- 藤田正憲, 山川公一郎, 森一博 : カビのマリモ化とその排水処理技術への応用, 化学装置, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 98-102 (1998)
- 郷田泰弘, 藤本茂, 豊田幸生, 宮川権一郎, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : ELISA法によるAPE新規測定法の開発, 用水と廃水, Vol. 40 No. 9, pp. 7-12 (1998)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 郷田泰弘 : 水質モニタリングの技術動向-抗原抗体反応(ELISA)の利用に焦点を当てて-, ベース設計試料 土木編, 89, pp. 39-42 (1998)
- 藤田正憲 : 水処理とは何か-生物処理の温故知新-, 月刊下水道, Vol. 21、No. 2, pp. 5-8 (1998)
- 古川憲治, 藤田正憲, 重村浩之, 生駒市生活環境部環境管理課 : 水生植物の栽培を組み入れた接触酸化法による汚濁都市河川の浄化, 用水と廃水, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 225-233 (1998)
- 李泰鎬, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 土壌集積培養系によるテトラクロロエチレンの分解, 環境技術, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 220-224 (1997)
- 高島美幸, 立花真也, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 脂肪酸からのバイオ界面活性剤の生産とその応用, 環境技術, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 229-235 (1997)
- 柏雅美, 高橋一彰, 西本信太郎, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : 新規セレン酸還元菌の分離とそのセレン酸還元特性, 環境技術, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 244-249 (1997)
- 春木裕人, 奥田正彦, 池道彦, 藤田正憲 : ステップ流入式嫌気-好気活性汚泥法の概要と処理特性, タクマ技報, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 126-134 (1997)
- 藤田正憲, 池道彦, 清 和成 : DNAを指標とした微生物生態学ことはじめ, 用水と廃水, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 301-307 (1997)
- 池道彦, 藤田正憲, 井上善介 : 余剰汚泥を原料としたバイオポリマーの生産, 月刊PPM, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 49-54 (1997)
- 藤田正憲 : 公共研究(service research)の育成のために, 水環境学会誌, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 2-7 (1997)
- 藤田正憲 : 水の味-おいしさの科学-を考える 飲み水も多様な水質から選ぶ時代, デイリーフード秋季増刊(大豆と技術10月号), pp. 37-42
- 藤田正憲 : バイオテクノロジィを活用した廃水処理, 染色, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 33-38 (1996)
- 藤田正憲, 岩堀恵祐, 堺好雄, 川口幸男 : 下水処理場における処理障害のアンケート調査(1), 月刊下水道, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 51-55 (1996)
- 藤田正憲, 宗宮功, 貫上佳則, 池道彦 : 阪神・淡路大震災における下・排水処理システムへの影響, 水環境学会誌, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 360-364 (1996)
- 藤田正憲, 岩堀恵祐, 堺好雄, 川口幸男 : 下水処理場における処理障害のアンケート調査(2), 月刊下水道, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 41-48 (1996)
- 藤田正憲, 岩堀恵祐, 堺好雄, 川口幸男 : 下水処理場における処理障害のアンケート調査(3), 月刊下水道, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 78-89 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : おいしい水の科学と文化, 食品と開発, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 10-13 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : 下水処理における障害微生物の制御, 日本水処理生物学会誌, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 143-148 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : 水の現代病とその対策技術, 九州HDF検討会会誌, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 116-118 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : 都市と下水道-21世紀の姿を考察する-, 月刊下水道, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 44-48 (1996)
- 山川公一郎, 岩堀恵祐, 武市治, 立田茂, 藤田正憲 : カビ Aspergillus niger のペレット形成機構, 用水と廃水, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 131-137 (1996)
- 山川公一郎, 岩堀恵祐, 立田茂, 藤田正憲 : カビペレットによるでん粉排水処理の動力学解析, 用水と廃水, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 215-221 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : DNAによる水質モニタリング, ベース設計資料77(土木編), 建設工業調査会 pp. 37-40 (1996)
- 藤田正憲 : ミネラルウォーター考, 大阪大学工業会, No. 491, pp. 76-80 (1996)
- 池道彦, 日置潤一, 片岡孝治, 武尾正弘, 藤田正憲 : フェノール分解遺伝子によるトリクロロエチレンの分解, 環境技術, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 240-243 (1995)
- 柳秀林, 池晶子, 古川憲治, 藤田正憲 : 海面ゴミ埋立処分地余水の生物学的窒素除去に関する研究, 環境技術, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 306-308 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 下水道研究の悩み, 水道公論, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 34-36 (1995)
- 山川公一郎, 岩堀恵祐, 藤田正憲 : 排水処理におけるカビの生態と挙動, 用水と廃水, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 995-1002 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : バイオレメディエーション-動き始めた新技術-, クリーン関西, ’95 5月号, No. 77, pp. 1-6 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 研究開発の温故知新-環境からの視点-, タクマ技報, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-6 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 巻頭言 リニューアル期を迎えた上下水システム, 三菱電機技報, Vol. 69, No. 12, p. 1 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 水処理における情報の公開, 共有と外部評価, 明電時報, No. 6, 1995 11/12月, 245号, p. 2 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 世界のトイレと水文化(上), 月刊浄化槽, 1995年1月号, No. 225, pp. 30-37 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 世界のトイレと水文化(下), 月刊浄化槽, 1995年2月号, No. 226, pp. 29-38 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : これからの水質指標, 月刊下水道, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 1 (1995)
- 藤田正憲 : 難分解性物質を視野に入れた分解性の評価(TOC阪大法), 月刊下水道, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 13-16 (1995)
- 藤田正憲, 池 道彦 : 地下水汚染の微生物浄化, ケミカルエンジニヤリング, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 494-498 (1994)
- 藤田正憲 : 水と健康, みずのわ, No. 92, pp. 2-3 (1994)
- 藤田正憲 : 難分解性物質を分解・除去するための有用微生物の活用法, 用水と廃水, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 681-687 (1994)
- 藤田正憲 : 水路と植物による浄化, 雨水技術資料, Vol. 25, pp. 55-66 (1994)
- 藤田正憲 : 渇水と造水に想う, 日本水道新聞, 1994年11月17日(6) (1994)